THE MOLTEN IMAGE “Science Of Reason”



VERY ELECT (Matthew 24:24 KJV)The Encyclopedia Dictionary was created by and for the Enlightenment, Illuminati, Rosicrucian Order, or Buddhas, etc.. basically the highest degree of Freemasonry with multiple names for the purpose of hiding its identity. A rose by any other name!

EFFECTS OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT. The modern type of en- cyclopedia was largely the result of the cultural movement known as the Enlightenment and the desire to make works of this sort universally accessible [as a persuasive tool for teaching, universally, the philosophic materialistic view held as a basis of secular humanism, Ed.]. (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol. 9 p. 21 col. 2)

Its purpose as described in its preface was ‘… to exhibit as far as possible the order and system of human knowledge [Gnosticism]…. The Encyclopedia was the vehicle of definite philosophical views, and was considered sufficient- ly radical and materialistic… to subject it to condemnation and its editor [‘Denis Diderot (l713-l784) French philoso- pher… educated in Jesuit schools‘ (ibid.)] to persecution. Associated with Diderot was a large number of the most distinguished [of the enlightened] scholars of the age… Jean Le Rond d’Alembert…, philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, and the scholar Louis Jean Marie Daubenton [among others of the Enlightenment]….” (ibid. p. 23)

Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, reads as follows:

“ENLIGHTENMENT, AGE OF, designation for a period of great intellectual awareness and activity… creative interest in political and cultural matters [by an anti-God cult of Human Enlightenment], and an emphasis on the experimental method in science. The term is specifically applied to a movement that flourished during the l8th century…. In Am- erica the [Enlightenment] movement was represented by the political concepts of the American revolution and the pre- cepts of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine… The term is sometimes extended to include the dis- coveries of the British physicist Sir Isaac Newton [whose theory was that: for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, such as thesis, antithesis] and the theories developed by the British philosopher John Locke [starting an action to get an equal reaction to unify or harmonize oppo-its of sharp contrast in a new and meaningless form: chang- ing opposits like “good” and “evil” to words like ethical and unethical; thus robbing contrasting words of their mean- ing and power for the purpose of accommodating an amoral ‘enlightened society‘].” (F&W vol. 9 p. 96,97)

Much study has been required to learn the “science” they are referring to is “the science of human regeneration” referred to by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, in, “FREEMASONRY and the VATICAN, A Struggle For Recognition” p. 125. “Human regeneration” is the path of “self salvation” sought through “self perfection” by those of the anti-God “Moralist Philosophy”. They believe and teach good thoughts, good words, good deeds, and adherence to the principals of the “beatitudes” and the “ten commandments” are all that God requires for human perfection. God, says all is by grace.

Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions… and it was ordained of angels [evil angels, Psalms 78:49] in the hand of a mediator. Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. (Galatians 3:l9,20) Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded grace did much more abound: (Romans5:20) …the enmity [was], even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; (Ephesians 2:15b) …carnal ordinances, imposed on them… (Hebrews 9:10) But in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (Matthew 15: 9) Which all are to perish with the using; after the commandments and doctrines of men? (Colossians 2:22) For the law was given by Moses…. (John 1:17) Did not Moses give you the law… (John 7: 142.19) But Israel, which followed after the law of righteous- ness hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. (Romans 9:31, 32a) Therefore we con- clude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. (Romans 3:28) Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight… (Romans 3: 20) This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. They profess that they know God; but in works [of the flesh] they deny him, being abominable…. (Titus 1:13,14,16) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of your- selves: it is a gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8,9)

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. (Galatians 5:4) Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly. (proverbs 3:34) For all things are for your sakes that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. (II Corinthians 4:15) Wherefore we receiving a kingdom [of God] which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God ac- ceptably with reverence and godly fear: (Hebrews 12:28)

The Enlightenment or Illuminati sect supposedly origin- ated with Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus or Jesuit Order, during the first half of the l6th century. The “enlightenment” he supposedly received was the humanistic belief there was no God, and with this conclusion men reasoned all power was vested in man. This supposition led the humanist to believe that all he needed was a super- ior intellect and he could manipulate those humans endowed with a lesser intellect than his own. Using reason and logic the humanists, deprived of the Spirit of God and depraved, set about proving their theory. One of the things they con- trived to establish, as a testbook of their philosophy, was the Encyclopedia, in which we find them establishing a history for Loyola, and other things they want the rest ofhumanity to succumb* to.

Again: supposedly! wounded in a minor battle in l521, Loyola, while recovering, studied Christ and the Saints and this resulted in what was called his “enlightenment”, that there was no God! With this in mind he created a philoso-

phy whereby man could save himself and have eternal life.

This philosophy is called Gnosticism. Gnosis is a term used

* 1: to yield to superior strength or force or overpowering appeal or desire. (Webster’s Seventh Collegiate Dictionary)

in lieu of the word “science“. Gnosticism is a science man has devised to understand the mind of man and how best to control him, body and soul.

“Gnosticism… {is a] term applied to several religious philosophies, both Christian and pagan, that stressed the revelation of mystical knowledge [gnosis, or science] as a key to salvation.” (Funk & Wagnalls)

“Gnosticism… a system of mystic philosophy from Chris- tian, Jewish and Greek and Oriental pagan sources… explained man and the physical universe as resulting from a series of effluxes or emanations from the supreme godhead [this is a brief description the Sephiroth Theology of the Hebrew Kabb- alah]….” (The Winston Dictionary, College Edition)

…Under the designation ‘Gnosis,’ several widely-dif- fering sects were included, the term, derived from the Greek [gnosis], meaning, ‘to know’… and sharing this significance with the words, ‘wizard,’ ‘witch,’ which also indicate in their original meaning: ‘those who know.’

Simultaneously with Christianity, these sects assumed a definite form… Their doctrines were an admixture of Indian [Hinduism or Buddhism], Egyptian (mythology), Babalonian [Lord-Master or Baal worship], Christian creeds, astrology and magic, with much of the Jewish Kabbala also.” (Lewis Spence, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OCCULTISM . P. 184)


“All we know and believe has its origin in primitive myths and mythmaking, in animism [which ’attributes con- scious life to nature’ {as opposed to God Ed.}. (Webster’s)]

… in idolatry and fetishism and in every conceivable… su- perstition. But we should always remember that the super- stitions are part of the religions….” (Joseph Baer, “What the Great Religions Believe, p. 24)

For a touch of “Oriental” fiction in humanistic Gnos- ticism we have: “Out of Persia was to come one of the high-est and most philosophical conceptions of deity before the time of Christ… about 660 B.C. a man-child was born in Media… who was to bring forth a highly enlightened religion. This was Zarathustra or Zoroaster. He was, according to legend, a wonder child, born of an immaculate conception, who attained salvation suddenly and preached a religion well suited to the needs of the people on the Iranian plateaus….

He taught that life was a struggle between the forces of Good and of Evil [religious philosophy called Dualism]….

The Zoroastian believed in a paradise and a hell. The pious after death went to an immortality of holiness… The impious fell from the Judge’s Bridge into an eternal hell of evil thoughts, words, and deeds, and physical torment.

In the days of the end-time all the dead would be restored by a Savior born of the seed of Zoroaster and a virgin who was to conceive in a lake impregnated with his semen….” (Gerald L. Berry. RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD P. 36-7)“The Zend-Avesta [Persian Bible] (the law and the com- mentaries) is… part of, the sacred books of a religion that was founded in Persia…. From about -700 B.C. to about A.D. 700 - nearly all the sacred books of all the great religions were created, assembled and canonized. And on practically all of them the religion of the Zend-Avesta exerted a great influence…. The religion was known by many… names: Mazdeism [Mazda being the god of good] Magism [Magic], Fire Worship [common to Druidism, which is common to the British Isles], Parsiism [Zoroastrianism], Dualism, and Zoroastrianism.

Aristotle and Plato [supposedly (again), about 427-347

B.C., (F&W)] among the Greek philosophers, showed an inter- est in any teaching that bore the name ’Zarathustra,’ which came to be used as an equivalent of ’wisdom” [Gnosis].

And Zoroaster was conceived of as a Magus [Magician,

Sorcerer - (Webster’s)] a member of the ancient Akkadian priestly tribe of Magi, and a master of secret sciences re-

lated to Fire Worship.” (What the Great Religions Believe, Joseph Gaer p. l62,63)

The “DIGEST OF ’MORALS AND DOGMA’ lists ’Zoroaster’s, doctrines carried by Jews into Syria and Palestine’”: then refers us to page 256 where it is stated: “…from the system of the Zend-Avesta they borrowed, and subsequently gave large development to everything that could be reconciled with their own faith….” (p. 256) The doctrines of Zoroaster came originally from Bactria, an Indian Province of Persia [Iran]. Naturally, therefore, it would include Hindu or Buddhist elements, as it did.” (M&D p.258)Religious indoctrination subsequently made me visualize the “original sin” as that of man defying God and partaking of “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [Dualism].”(Genesis 2:17) Which, at this time in space, seems to be the World Religion of Dualism; the philosophy upon which all re- ligion is based. The Scriptures continue: “thou shalt not eat of it for in the day [of the LORD’S vengeance Isa. 34:8]

that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” The Scrip- tures also tell us: “to be carnally minded is death.” What the Spirit says does not follow what the carnal mind con- ceives the Scriptures to mean. I think there can be no doubt the religious teaching that good will over come evil is car- nal knowledge [gnosis or wisdom]. Why Christianity treats the foregoing scripture as though Eve offered Adam a bite of an apple, escapes me. The Scriptures continue: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (Genesis 3:6) They ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [Dualism]; the religious philosophy of the Hebrews. That! was the original sin.

“A fundamental doctrine of the Gnostics was a clear-cut dualism between good and evil…. (F&W vol. 11 GNOSTICISM)

Dualism also has an ethical aspect; namely in the recognition of the independent and opposing principles of good and evil. This dualism is exemplified in Zoroastrian and in Manichaean heresy (see MANICHAEISM. (F&W VOL.8)“Zoroastrianism believes that the world was created with both good and evil: the good coming from Ahura Mazda [god of good] and evil from Angra Mainyu [god of evil].Man was created by Ahura Mazda [god of good], but he was given the free will to choose between good and evil. (Joseph Gaer p. 171)

With these words the holy Ahura Mazda rejoiced the holy Zarathustra: ’Purity is for man, next to life, the greatest good; that purity, O Zarathustra, that is the Religion of Mazda for him also who cleanses his own self with good thoughts, words, and deeds.” (Ibid. p. 169 emphasis added)

This philosophy differs little from Christian teaching concerning man having “free will” to choose or reject God! Whether you believe these so-called “ancient” explanations of the basis of religion or believe they are as re- cent as the year l7l7 and these older accounts are simply the work of encyclopedic invention, they are all, none-the-less, the work of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are “of the synagogue of Satan.” (Rev. 2:9, 3:9)

Gnosticism is a creation of the Illuminati, Enlightened Ones or Buddhas, to replace God, with man, as creator. The fear of death is the driving force behind this invention. Because they have no hope of further existence and no faith in God, in whom we are allowed to trust, they have turned to what we think of as reincarnation. It is not even that! but rather they have turned to an illusion which they have cre- ated. This illusion was devised to take captive the soul of men through seduction of the spirit. The result of this evil invention was Kabbalistic mysticism or mystic Christianity. These, good thoughts, good words, good deeds, are a part of the philosophy of today’s Christendom where devotees are to- tally unaware their occult origin was in Zoroastrainism. In using Mythology to deceive “insomuch that if it were possible” the very elect, the enlightened applied their no- tions of human perfection and Godhood to the male human. MORALS AND DOGMA, tells us “The British God HU (man) was called ’The Dragon - Ruler of the World….” (M&D p. 502)


Those who believe the British god HU (man) or the “human” is the “ruler of the world” are called “the beast” in the book of Revelation, Chapter 13.

AND I stood upon the sand of the sea [Israel, Isaiah10:22] and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. [This is speaking of the humanist “Sephiroth Theology” of the Hebrew Kabbalah and Freemasonry. The “Sephiroth” or attributes of this theology are referenced 29 times in the DIGEST OF “MORALS & DOGMA”].

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of [identify] the beast: for it is the number [identity] of a man….” (Revelation 13:18) “I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.” (Ecclesiastes 3:18) The man of the Sephiroth Theology is the beast of Revelation 13:18. Add to the Sephiroth Theology, invented Greek, Roman, and, in particular, Egyptian, gods and you will understand why THE DELPHIAN COURSE says:

“Without knowledge of these ancient myths, then, we find ourselves unable to understand even the writers of our own language, so completely have mythological allusions and ideas become interwoven in all literature.

 I will only pray to you to read and with patience and human sympathy of thoughts of men who lived without blame in a darkness they could not dispel, and to remember that what-ever charge of folly may justly attach to the saying ‘There is no God.’ the folly is prouder, deeper, and less pardon- able, in saying ’There is no God but for me.’ (Copyright 1913, By THE DELPHIAN SOCIETY, Chicago part II p. 84-85)Mythological tales grew out of an attempt to explain natural phenomena the rising or setting sun, the struggle between light [good] and darkness [evil]. All phenomena which attracted sufficient attention furnished material for myths.” (ibid. p. 116) Here, I must repeat Joseph Gaer’s words: “All we know and believe has its origin in primitive myths and mythmak- ing… in idolatry and fetishism, and in every conceivable - what we now call - superstition.” (p. 24)Judaism, and ultimately its offspring Christianity, teach that “moralism” stems from both the ten commandments and the teachings of Christ. The word moral is gnostic. It is a part of the Moralist Philosophy of the occult: “for of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts” (II Timothy 3:6) The word “moral” is not found in the King James Version of the Bible, the most accurate translation. But who ever sought to interpret the Scriptures other than by the guidelines set forth by l7th or l8th century Gnostic Jesuits and Jews. Education is their tool and the word “seminary” is derived from the Latin word seminarium (a seed plot, you can use the word “plot” in more than one sense of the word.) It was in the theological [god logic or science of religion] seminaries the Jesuits first sowed the Gnostic seed of mor- alism and the Jesuits are known as the “school-masters of the world.” Today we are confronted with Gnosticism from every pulpit and synagogue in the world.

Almost everyone who has heard of the “Communist Mani- festo” has been brainwashed to lend no credence to its threat through thesis, antithesis, synthesis, or, starting an action, to get a reaction, to attain domination over the world’s population. However, Humanist Manifestos, I and II,

should present concern to those on whom God has put His spirit.

Humanist Manifesto II states: “We affirm that moral values derive their source from human experience… Ethics stem from human need and interests…

We strive for the good life here and now. Humanism - which relates ethics to experience - has roots in Confucian- ism and Greek and Roman philosophy.”

Three books dealing with the religion of Gnosticism; the Moralist Philosophy, Judaism, Freemasonry, Christianity, and Communism in general, that are carefully worded so that they are shrouded in allegory to insure their secrecy are:

BOOK ONE: MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY, Prepared For The Southern Jur- isdiction Of The United States And Published BY Its Auth-ority - Entered according to Act of congress, in the year l871, by Albert Pike, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress As Washington. Entered according to Act of Con- gress, in the year l906, by THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE SOUTHERN JUISDICTION, A.A.S.R., U.S.A. In the Office of the Librarian of congress, at Washington.

“In l834 the Italian revolutionary leader Guiseppi Maz- zini was selected by the Illuminati to be director of their revolutionary programme throughout the world…. In l840, Gen- eral Albert Pike was brought under the influence of Mazzini because he became a disgruntled officer when President Jefferson Davis disbanded his auxiliary Indian troops on the grounds they had committed atrocities under the cloak of legitimate warfare. Pike accepted the idea of a One World government and ultimately became head of the Luciferian Priesthood. Between l859 and l871 he worked out the details of a military blue-print, for three world wars, and three major revolutions which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stage during the twentieth century.

Most of his [Pike’s] work was done in the l3 room man- sion he built in Little Rock, Arkansas, in l840. When the Illuminati, and the lodges of the Grand Orient, became sus- pect, because of Mazzini’s revolutionary activities in Eur- ope, Pike organized the New and Reformed Paladin Rite. He established three supreme councils; one in Charleston, S.C., another in Rome, Italy, and another in Berlin, Germany. He and Mazzzini established the twenty-three subordinate coun- cils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters of the world revolutionary movement ever since.” (PAWNS IN THE GAME, by William Guy Carr.

BOOK TWO: “THE KABBALAH The religious Pilosophy of the Hebrews”, published in Paris l843). “The author, Adolphe Franck (l809-l894) was a Hebraist and an orientalist….

Professor Gershon Schoelm, Professor of the history of Jewish mysticism at Hebrew University in Jerusalem - cousid- ers the Kabbalah to be pre-christian and Zorastrian in origin.

Franck was one of the very few Jewish philosophers of his time who, while entering fully into Western European life sought to preserve and to interpret to the West the an- cient wisdom of the Kabbalah. (INTRODUCTION, John C. Wilson)

ENTHUSIASTIC partisans of the Kabbalah declare it to have been brought down from heaven by angels to teach the first man, after his fall, how to recover his primal nob- ility and bliss. Others suppose that the law-giver of the Hebrews [Moses] received it directly from God during his forty days’ stay on Mount Sinai, that he transmitted it to seventy old men sharing with them the gift of the Holy Spirit and that they in turn passed it on by word of mouth until the time when Ezra was commanded to transcribe it together with the Law. But the most careful scrutiny of all the books of the Old Testament fails to uncover a single reference to secret teachings or to a doctrine of superior profundity and purity reserved solely for a small number of the elect. (Adolphe Franck, Chapter l, Par. 1)

Finally, in order to attain their aims and to introduce their own ideas into the very terms of the revelation, the Kabbalists resorted at times to more or less irrational means. One such means was to form a new alphabet by chang- ing the value of the letters, or better, by substituting one letter for another according to a definite plan [this, I be-

lieve, is what they call semantics: ‘changes in the signif- ication of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development’ Webster’s]. This method is frequently employed in the Talmud….


To be sure, such procedures may equivocally serve the most diverse ideas; but men do not invent an artificial lan- guage and deliberately withhold its keys unless they have resolved to hide their thoughts at least from the masses. (Aldophe Franck p. 23)Taken together and comparatively, we are justified in stating that before the end of the first century of the Christian era, there circulated among the Jews a profoundly venerated science… a mystic doctrine evidently engendered by the need for reflection and independence as well as philo- sophy; and which, nevertheless, invoked in its favor the united authority of tradition [the Talmud] and Scriptures.

The guardians of this doctrine, whom we henceforth shall not hesitate to call Kabbalists, should not and cannot be confused with the Essences…. The Kabbala… according to the oldest testimony was entirely a speculative science, which claimed to unveil the secrets of the Creation and of Divine Nature.

The Kabbalists always shrouded themselves in mystery from their first appearance to the time when the press betrayed their secret.

Like most Christian mystics and like the Karmathians among the followers of Islam, the adepts of the Kabbalah…

adhered to all the ritual practices; they were careful not to attack the tradition [Jewish Talmud], which they themsel- ves invoked. As we have already noted, several of them were among the most revered doctors of the Mishna [’a collection of precepts forming the basis of the Talmud, or body of Jew- ish law not contained in the Pentateuch’, The Pentateuch be- ing the first five books of the Bible, the Mishna is a cre-ation of Jewish Rabbis over a period of some three hundred years. The Talmud is a set of books larger than the Ency- clopedia Britannica]. (A. Franck excerpts p. 23-25)

SOME OF the systems which, because of their own nature… seem likely to have served as basis and pattern for the esoteric doctrine of the Hebrews, are philosophical, some religious. The first category includes the systems of Plato and his unfaithful Alexandrian disciples, and of Philo, not to be confounded with them. Of the religious systems we can at this point mention only Christianity; and that in a general way. None of these grand theories of God and Nature, however, explain the origin of the kabbalistic traditions.

Or, what is more astonishing, that this science of strange origin, born of a heathen mind, was held in such high regard and wrapped in so much mystery by the Mishna?

Yet those who hold to this opinion are the very same critics who view the Zohar [universal code of the Kabbalah] as a mere thirteenth-century invention; they would thus have it appear at a time when Plato was not known…. (ibid. p. 145-6)

MUCH MORE interesting but also far more difficult is the Zohar… the universal code of the Kabbalah.

This unevenness of form as of though; this fantastic mixture of characteristics from very widely separated times…

And the lack of positive documents until the close of the thirteenth century - all have given rise to the most diver- gent opinions on the origin and author of this book. (ibid. p. 34)

The Talmud tells us that in ancient times three names were known to express the idea of God; the famous Tetragram- mation, or name of four letters [SELF], and two names for- eign to the Bible, the first of which consists of twelve letters, the other of forty-two. (ibid. 18)

Maimonides aptly remarks that there is no name composed of forty-two letters in any language, and certainly not in Hebrew… He concludes that the forty-two letters formed sev- eral words, each expressed a definite idea of fundmental attribute to the Supreme Being… continues Maimonides, that in order to define the essence of God, His uniqueness and that of things in general would either have to be better elucidated or further developed. This is surely also the case with the four-lettered name; for, how is it possible to suppose that a name so frequently encountered in the bible,and to which the bible itself gives the sublime definition, “ego sum qui sum,” had been kept a secret whispered once a week by wise men into the ears of a few chosen disciples? What the Talmud calls knowledge of the names of God, con- cludes Maimonides, is but a small part of theology or meta- physics….” (ibid. p. 19,20)

(Latin gives every indication of being another 18th century invention of the Enlightenment. I believe it is be a derivative of the French language.

ego” (in Latin the personal pronoun - I“sum” (in Latin - be) present tense of the verb is -AM“qui” (French - who, whom, which, that

“sum” (Latin - be) Indicative verb lst person singular I AM

Thus “ego sum qui sum” translates: “I AM THAT I AM:” or, in four letters, the SELF! That is, the individual man of the Illuminati, Enlightened One, or Buddha, assuming himself to be God. This is the occult interpretation of Ex- odus 3:14: “And God said unto Moses ‘I AM THAT I AM:’”

“Hence the frequent expression: ‘I am the First, and I am the Last; and beside me [the SELF] there is no God.

And this TRUE WORD is with entire accuracy said to have been lost: because its meaning was lost, even among the Hebrews, although we still find the name (its real meaning unsuspected) in the HU [British God HU (man)] of the Druids


and the FO-HI [‘Fo, the Indian Buddha (ENLIGHTENED), the Great Deity himself (DIGEST OF M&D and p. 429)] of the Chinese.” (M&D p. 701)The first of the two names of the “idea of God” that “is foreign to the Bible”, said to “consist of twelve let- ters,” is none other than the “ALL SEEING EYE” [meaning the Sun, as a symbol for SELF]; pictured in the TEMPLE OF THE MYSTERIES in: “A NEW ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF FREEMASONRY”, opposite page ll0.

It is the EYE radiating the “Ineffable Spirit” appear- ing atop the pyramid in the Insignia of the Illuminati (as seen on the reverse of the U.S. one dollar bill) The pyramid which Morals And Dogma designates: “the universal symbol of immortality” p. 633.

“But it is an Eye also which ‘pervades the inmost recesses of the human heart, and will reward us according to our merits.’” (A NEW Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry p. 21)

BOOK THREE: A NEW ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF FREEMASONRY - (ARS MAGNA LATOMORUM) AND COGNATE INSTITUTED MYSTERIES: THEIR RITES LITERATURE AND HISTORY, By Arthur Edward Waite, P.M. past Senior Grand Warden of Iowa, Past Provincial Deputy, Grand Director of Ceremonies… Past Grand historiographer Etc. Etc..161.

Quite probably the most notable words in this book, that was formerly two volumes, are in the last four lines of the work: “If ever we can take the Craft Legend behind the year l7l7, it is my hope that we may reach a fuller light on the Secret Doctrine in Masonry and its connection with that of Israel reviewed in the light of Christ [one moment they try to convince the reader all of this is ancient, and the next moment they reveal it is modern].” (p. 488 PART 2)


THE MOLTEN IMAGE “Science Of Reason”



To begin with, the United Nations Charter was written by men who held the “One World under self appointed elite

intellectuals” philosophy that was then identified as Com- munism but which has, since President Clinton’s Administra- tion, been designated as being “politically correct”! Those men were, Alger Hiss, and the two Russians, Molotov, and Vishinsky. Molotov and Alger Hiss made a secret agreement that the military Chief of the United Nations was always to be a Russian appointed by Moscow. The UN Charter states:

“The military Staff Committee shall be responsible through the Security Council for the strategic directions of any armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Coun- cil.” That spelled disaster for U.S. troops in Korea and Viet Nam where many thousands of American boys paid with their lives. These were two no-win wars because every enga- gement had to go through “Russian” hands before it could be approved. The enemy was setting our losing course.

Sixteen members of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations organizational meeting in San Francisco in l945 were later, under sworn testimony, declared to be communist


agents. The delegation was led by Alger Hiss, who Whittaker Chambers, after testifying before the House Committee on Un-American Activities that he himself had been a communist in the l920’s and l930’s, charged was a communist. Charges de- nied by Hiss but he was later convicted of perjury by the Department of Justice and served a five year prison sen- tence. Hiss had held a number of high government posts in the Departments of State, Justice, and Agriculture and was Secretary General of the conference in San Francisco that organized the UN. As many Communist sympathizers as we have had in government, since before World War II even, it is surprising Hiss was found guilty of anything. Communist sym-

pathizers in our congress, shortly thereafter, eliminated the “Un-American Activities Committee”

Hans Schmidt, wrote the following as recently as Nov- ember l996: “As a foreign born U.S. citizen I sometime won- der how… Christian Americans can so easily accept the fact that now they are so obviously ruled by some foreigners who are not even their own kind. The Armed Forces of this nation are under the command of General Shalikashvili, born in War- saw, Poland. The head of the CIA (and probably the most pow- erful man in the United States) is John Deutch, born in Brussels. If Clinton retains the White House this month, the new foreign minister (Secretary of State) of the United


States, may well be the Czech Jewess pictured at the left [referring to Madeleine Albright]. Anybody who has watched the antics of Madeleine Albright in the United Nations (where she held the post of U.S. Ambassador to the UN during Clinton’s first term, which is, just like Deutch’s position, a cabinet rank), knows that she always puts the interest of Israel ahead of those of the… United States….” (Ganpac Brief P.O. Box lll24 Pensacola, FL 32524)

Madeleine Albright, has now been appointed to serve the second Clinton Administration as Secretary Of State, and has proclaimed her interest in cooperating with Russia, which, contrary to what they tell us, is still “Red” and purely


March 29, l982, I received the following communication from, THE ASSEMBLIES OF THE CALLED OUT ONES OF “YAH”, that stated: “Please remember Satan has a Duplicate, Substitute of everything of ’YAH’ [what editor, Sam Surratt, fails to mention is that Satan also has “substitute” names for God; such as: the Hebrew YAH, YAHWEH, YESHUA, JEHOVAH, etc.. All of these, except the more common YAHWEH, I found in the

“WINSTON SIMPLIFIED DICTIONARY“, under Jesus, who is not God, but is said, in the Scriptures, to be the Son of God. If you are your father’s son, in what context could you be considered your own father? All of the foregoing titles,


except the name Jesus, are of 18th century invention and not found in any original Scriptures. But to continue Sam Sur- ratt’s quote] “He shall come as ’JESUS CHRIST’… The World shall be filled with The Christianity Religion of Jesus Christ… He shall deceive The Whole World, even The Very Elect if they are not on guard Continuously….” (Cedar, St. Jackson, Tenn. 38301)

Included with the above message, of which I took only excerpts, was a tract exhibiting a picture of ZEUS, and stating: “The naked figure of the mythological Greek god Zeus [Zeus is a form of the spelling of Jesus], known in legend for his ferocity and cruelty, stands in the main lobby of the UN headquarters in New York.

The United Nations is a spawn of the Masonic “ORDER OF ILLUMINATI”. Considering it and brotherhood: THE EDUCATOR of Jan.-Feb. l971 stated:

“One of these days… a ‘spiritual United Nations’ will rise in marble splendor on a high piece of ground overlook- ing the Capitol of the United States… To be known as the Temple of Understanding.

Radiating from the central hall will be six wings, each representing one of the six religions of the world: HINDU- ISM, Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, and Islam [these are but a single Buddhistic religion with six


Judaic facets]….

The Temple Brochure states: “the purpose is to create a ‘spiritual United Nations’ through education in the major religions of the world and to increase man’s awareness of his essential brotherhood….”

The brochure soliciting $5 million also reads:

“There, in the hall of Illumination, it is planned that the Illuminated Masters of Wisdom, our leaders of the Temple of Understanding, will train the public in the new human- istic cult.

The building… will be constructed around a great sym- bolic all-seeing eye, a mystic device of the Illuminists.

Also tied in with the Temple is the Lucis Trust, an occult organization that has its world headquarters in the United Nations Plaza building, New York City.

This organization dates from the efforts, in the l880-90 period, of Madame Helen Blavatsky, who edited and pub-

lished a magazine for many years entitled Lucifer Magazine….

The occultist meditation room at the United Nations bears a close resemblance, both in ideology and in actual architecture, to the proposed Temple of Understanding, in that both the Temple and the UN room are constructed around the occultist all-seeing eye of the Illuminati. [To the oc- cultist the “all seeing eye” is the sun, symbol for self]. 167.

Centrally located in the UN room is a huge, monolithic sarcophagus [coffin] of marble, with its base extending down into the foundations of the building representing Adam Cad- mon (Kadmon), the complete [perfected] man of the Occultists and the followers of Satan.” (James H. Townsend Editor & Publisher, lll0 So. Pamona Ave., Fullerton, CA 92632, p. 4, Cont. p. l6 “Biblical Faith Set Aside, But UN Has Odd Re-


Through the veil of all the hieratic and mystic alle- gories of the ancient dogmas… in the ceremonies of reception practiced by all the mysterious Societies we find the traces of a doctrine everywhere the same and every-where carefully concealed. The occult philosophy [of moralism] seems to have been the nurse or the godmother of all religions, the secret lever of all the intellectual forces…” (M&D p. 729)

“And if all the Jewish symbols have already become ‘an- tedated’ and Arian…. all ways and means are justified if Germans can hereby be tied still more securely to Yahweh. And thus is Christ ‘equated’ with a German God configura-tion. Such endeavors are not even new. They are rooted in Gnosticism, which Arthur Drews calls an orientally mixed religion, from which Christianity originated in the first place…. Gnosticism originated long before our era, and

Judaism stood as Godfather at its cradle and is securely


anchored in it. (Ludendorff p. l34 excerpted)C. The Cabala [Kabala, Kabbalah]It is the book of muddled Jewish ’philosophy’ and Jew- ish magic, darkest superstition, with amulets, magic sym- bols, astrology… oath-conjurations, and especially of the ’Gematria’ [’the Gematria is a superstitious letter and num- ber mysticism, which gives every Hebrew letter a numerical value,’ ibid. p. 53] and other things. One must study the cabala in order to understand and evaluate the superstitious Jew correctly. He then is no longer a threatening opponent.” (ibid, Ludendorff p. 53) To understand the Scriptures, which speak of it in the Book of Revelation, you must also understand the occult phi- losophy of the Hebrews, the [moralist] “SEPHIROTH THEOLOGY”, which is also a part of the UN’s occult religion. The DIGEST OF “MORALS AND DOGMA” lists the word “Sephiroth” at least 29 times. There can be no doubt about the avid Masonic preoccu- pation with the occult “Moralist Philosophy” of the Hebrews.

“2. The ten Sefiroth (Sephiroth) by which the Infinite Being [any Illuminated Member of the Secret societies] first manifested Himself [as Christ] are merely His attributes… taken all together, they [the ten attributes] constitute the first, most complete, and highest of all the divine manifes- tations. It is called the archetypal [type of Christ] (Adam


Kadmon, Adam E-lo-oh).” (THE KABBALAH, Religious philosophy of the Hebrews, By Adolphe Franck, p. 90)

The First-Born [indwelling Christ] is the Creative Ag- ent… the Primitive [first] Man [perfect before his fall from grace], ADAM KADMON. As such it [Adam Kadmon or the Creative Agent], has revealed itself in ten emanations [attributes] or Sephiroth.” (Morals & Dogma p. 267)

The first three of the “attributes” called Sefiroth are WILL, WISDOM, and INTELLIGENCE. Morals And Dogma, tells us “these three are called…. The Most Holy Ancient. But the Seven inferior royalties [FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY, FORCE, PRU- DENCE, TEMPERANCE, and JUSTICE] … are called ‘The Ancient of Days.’( M&D p. 758) See Scriptures below:

“I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of man [Christ, Heb. Anointed One] came with the clouds of heaven [transgressions and sins, Isaiah 44: 22], and came to the Ancient of days… And there was given him dominion and glory, and a kingdom [of heaven, ‘And it came to pass in the mean while, that the heaven was black with clouds (sins) and wind (of doctrine Eph. 4:14 - of Christ, Heb. 6:I,2)] that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: (Dan- iel 7:13,14a) [Man who prides himself he has the seven oc- cult attributes or Sephiroth through SELF WILL.] These at- tributes constitute the Hebrew name for God, [Elohim]:


“The world, the Ancients [WILL, WISDOM, and INTELLIG- ENCE] believed, was governed by Seven Secondary Causes; and these were the universal forces, known to the Hebrews by the plural name ELOHIM.” (M&D p. 727)

Elohim… [Heb.: pl. of Eloah, God], one of the two Hebrew names for God, in the Hebrew test of the Old Testa-


“The Sephiroth are commonly figured in the Kabalah as constituting a human form, The ADAM KADMON…. (M&D p. 322)This form is in the likeness of His form; and is not that form but its analogue: where the human form is the form of all above and below… The Most Holy [man] so took form [as Christ, Heb. Anointed One or (Messiah)]…. (M&D p. 794)To deliver the soul, captive in darkness, the Principle of Light [reason] or Genius of the sun [self-perfected hu- man] … came to manifest Himself among men….. It but put on the appearance of a human body, and took the name of Christ in the Messiah, only to accommodate itself to the language of the Jews.” (M&D p. 567)And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled him- self, and became obedient unto death [being carnally mind- ed Rom. 8:6], even the death of the cross. [a symbol of hu- mility, patience, Self-denial (DIGEST OF “MORALS AND DOGMA)]

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given


him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory [tribulation Eph. 3:13] of God

the Father. (Philippians II 10:11)

But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. (Romans 11:4)“BAAL… (lord, master)” (The New Analytical Bible and Dictionary of the Bible, John A. Dickson Publishing) “The word Bal or Baal… signifies Lord and Master. (Mor-als And Dogma p. 591)

Jesus said: “Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.” (John 13:13)Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: (Malachi

4:5) And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal [Lord, Master] then follow him. (I Kings 18:21)

What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory [tribulation Eph. 3:13] on the


vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,(Romans 9:22,23) Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. (Acts 14:22)Yet the number [identity] of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea… and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them. Ye are not

my people… (Hosea 1:10a,c) As he saith also in Osee [Hosea]

I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her [Jerusalem] beloved which was not beloved. (Rom. 9:25)

Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the num- ber of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea…

AND I stood upon the sand of the sea [Israel], and saw a great beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads [the seven lesser attributes of human perfection] and ten horns [the total number of attributes including the first three: WILL, WISDOM, and INTELLIGENCE], and upon his horns [attributes] ten crowns [Kether or (SELF-WILL)] and upon his heads [ten horns] the name of blasphemy … and all the world wondered after the beast. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of [identify] the beast: for it is the number of a man. (Revelation 13:1,3b,18) The man of the Sephiroth Theology. 173.THEN Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns [horns or human at- tributes], and put it on his head [woe to the crown of pride (free will) Isa. 1:28] and they put on him a purple robe And said, Hail, King of the Jews! (John 19:1-3) Then came Jesus

forth, wearing the crown of thrones [human attributes]…. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man! (John 19:5)The Scriptures tell us: Every man is brutish by his knowledge [Gr. Gnosis, wisdom or science]: every founder [one who forges images] is confounded by the graven image:

[the Christ] for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath [spirit] in them. They are vanity, and the work of errors:’ In the time of their visitation they shall perish. (Isaiah 10:14,15) That which is born of the flesh is flesh…. (John 3:6a) And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory [the tribulation Eph. 3:13], the glory as of the only begotten of the Father….(John 1:14)And you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels

[the seven Sephiroth, Faith, Hope, Charity, etc. - the evil

Angels of Psalms 78:49] In flaming fire [wickedness burneth

as a fire. Isa. 9:18] taking vengeance on them that know not God [who saves by mercy and grace]. (II Thessalonians1:7,8)THE LORD [God] said unto my Lord [Jesus Christ], sit


thou at my right hand [he stood with his right hand as and adversary (Heb. Satan) (Lamentations 2:4,b,c)] until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength [pride] out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. The Lord [Jesus] at thy right hand [as an

adversary] shall strike through kings [of the earth see Rev.

15:14] in the day of his wrath. (Psalms 110,1,2,5) Behold the day it is come… the rod [of thy strength] hath blossom- ed, pride [Free WILL of man] hath budded. (Ezekiel 7:10) The LORD hath made all things for Himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Every one that is proud in heartis an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand [in Masonic Brotherhood] he shall not be unpunished. (Proverbs 16:4,5)

It is also significant to know the viewpoint of the Jew regarding the essence and goals of this World-Lodge working specifically for him. He writes in the Vienna Jour- nal for Freemasons…. p. 66, the following:

‘The greatest and wisest men gave our Fraternity a con-

stitution the wisdom of which will last forever. We wander, shrouded in threefold night [darkness], in the midst of our opponents and sees, unseen by them, their weakness, thus gaining power over their minds and their hearts. Their vices

serve us as a spring-board from which we, unnoticed by them,


force them unperceived to play a role of working united with us whilst fathoming that they are satisfying their own indi- vidual desires.” (Ludendorff p. 41) MORALS AND DOGMA, says, (p. 733,34): “Man as yet knows little of the forces of nature. Surrounded, controlled, and

governed by them, while he vainly thinks himself independent

not only of his race, but the universal nature and her in- finite manifold forces, he is the slave of these forces, un- less he becomes their master. (733)There is in nature [these are Nature Worshippers] one of the most potent force [known as “Newton’s law of motion“: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction], by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it [how to reason an ac- tion (thesis) and an exacting reaction (antithesis), to ac- complish the desired result or (synthesis)], could revolu- tionize and change the face of the world. (M&D p. 733)This force was known to the ancients. It is a universal

agent whose supreme law is equilibrium [uniting opposites in a neutralizing synthesis] and whereby, if science can but learn how to control it, it will be possible… to heal and to slay at a distance [I am reminded of Sirhan Sirhan, and the

killing of Robert Kennedy, Ed.] to give our words universal

success, and make them reverberate everywhere.


This agent, partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciples of Mesmer [mesmerism1: hypnotic induction held to involve animal magnetism… 2: hypnotic appeal - Web- ster’s] is precisely what the Adepts of the middle ages cal- led the elementary matter of the great work. The Gnostic

felt it composed the igneous body of the Holy Spirit and it was adored in the secret rites of the sabbat or the temple under the hermaphroditic figure of Bephomet or the herma- phroditic goat of Mendes.” (M&D p. 734)

“Sabbat [F, lit, sabbath… :a midnight assembly of dia- bolistis (as witches and sorcerers) held … to renew alleg- iance to the devil through mystic and licentious rites.

Sabbatha: the seventh day of the week observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening as a day of rest and wor- ship by Jews and some Christians…

Sabbatical 1: of or relating to the Sabbath 2: being a recurring period of rest or renewal.” (Webster’s Seventh)“One of the principal and regular dates in the witches’ calendar is the Sabbat, and this is still widely celebrated today…. The name Sabbat seems to have association with an- other persecuted group, the Jews, and in early times the witches’ meetings were referred to as the ’Synagogue’.

During the ceremony the witch had sexual intercourse with the Devil, who usually appeared as a goat or in some


other animal form. Failing an actual appearance, Satan was understudied by a man dressed up. He is greeted by the witch with a kiss on the backside….” (THE DEVIL’S DOMINION BY An-

thony Masters, The Complete Story of Hell and Satanism in the Modern World, p. 147,48)

All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but

the LORD weigheth the spirits. Everyone that is proud of heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand [in Masonic Brotherhood], he shall not be unpunished.

By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD [tribulation within the individual heart] men de- part from evil. (Proverbs 16:5,6) For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. And I will tread down the people of mine anger and make them drunk in my fury [make them to drink of “the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath, Revelation 16:19], and I will bring down their strength [pride in SELF Will] to the earth. (Isaiah 63:4,6)

Here we would be wise to consider how Jesus answered Pilate when he: saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou? But Jesus gave him no answer. Then saith Pilate unto him, speakest thou not unto me knowest thou not that I have the power to crucify thee, and have the power to release thee? Jesus answered: Thou couldest have no power at all against me,


except it were given thee from above…. (John 19:10,11)

Man tells us: “The Infinite first limits Himself by

flowing forth in the shape of WiLL, of determination to act. This Will of the Deity [self], or the Deity as Will is Keth- er, or the Crown, the first Sephirah. In it are included all other Emanations [Sephiroth]. (Morals & Dogma p.766)

The Will is a force; its limits as yet unknown. It is in the power of the will that we chiefly see the spiritual

and divine in man…. It is the men of will and action, not the men of pure intellect that govern the world.” (M&D p 91)

This is where Christians get the mistaken idea God, gave man free-will to act for or against God.

“The human will has an almost absolute power in deter- mining one’s acts; and every external demonstration of a will has an influence on external things… To caress the weaknesses of an individual, is to possess ourself of him, and make of him an instrument in the order of the same er- rors or depravations. But when two natures, analogical in defects [likeness in shortcomings], are subordinated one to the other, there is effected a kind of subsititution of the stronger [will] instead of the weaker, and a genuine impri- sonment of one mind by the other. Often the weaker strug- gles, and would fain revolt; and then falls lower than ever in servitude. [Is this why women stay with their abuser?]


We each have some dominant defect, by which the enemy

can grasp us. In some it is vanity, in others indolence, in most egotism. Let a cunning and evil spirit possess himself

of this, and you are lost…. Then you become… the slave of an impulse from without. You have an instinctive horror of

everything that could restore you to reason, and will not even listen to representations that contravene your insane- ity.” (M&D p. 735)“’In the shadow of their own authority, Masonry works for the realiztion of the great entrusted undertaking’ (this means, for the erection of the Jewish World-Empire, the kingdom to come). ’The mighty, fear-inspiring Freemasonry is following your footsteps, detects your tracks, watches over your thoughts, your innermost souls, in the midst of the darkness with which you cover yourselves. Its secret un- avoidable influence shatters your plans….’ (Ludendorff p.41)

B. The Talmud

The Talmud is, next to the Thora, even today, the most authentic Jewish Law - and Textbook and reveals the Jewish hatred and disrespect against all other races, the will to unscrupulously deprive them of all their rights, subjecting them uncritically under the unbridled Jewish rulership for the attainment of their long-distance goals; although the Bible already leaves no doubt whatever of such aims. It is


obvious that the Talmud has exerted its decisive influence for its final purpose and goal-determination upon Freema- sonry.

The Talmud is proclaiming the World-Empire of Noah and the Noachites. Most ancient Freemason documents already

speak of Noah and his Commandments, and of the Sons of Noah, who are to obey these Commandments as taught in the Talmud. They are to build the ‘moral-religious’ foundation for the universal ‘Humanity-League’, because the various confes- sions, the Jewish, the Christian and the Mohammedan… were taught and developed later only by Moses, Christus and Mo- hammed… The Praecepte Noachica, that means Noah’s command- ments, contain first of all: Obedience to the Jewish author- ity and to Jehovah [this, Jehovah] is a l7th century Heb. name for God].

Maimonides, ’the Eagle of the Synagogue’ [of satan, ac- cording to Revelation 2:9 & 3:9] speaks quite clearly about

these commandments in his Hilchoth Melachim C. VII, 10:

’Our teacher Moses has ordered from the mouth of God to force all the people coming into the world to accept those commands given to the children of Noah, and he who does not accept them, shall be killed.’” (p. 51,52)

March 20, l991, U.S. Congressmen betrayed their own countrymen into the hands of the Jews with a Joint Resolu-


tion creating Public Law l02-14 and attempting to place us all under Jewish non-biblical Noahide Laws, ignoring the fact our CONSTITUTIONS says they can make no laws concerning religion. But Congress has spent years ignoring the consti- tution they took an oath to defend and protect.

“Noahide laws, also called NOACHIAN LAWS, A Jewish Tal- mudic designation for seven [non] Biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation of Moses on Mt. Sinai

[mountain of Sin] and consequently binding on all mankind.

Beginning with Genesis 2:16, the Babylonian Talmud lis- ted the first six commandments as prohibitions against idol- atry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, and robbery and the posi- tive commandment to establish courts of Justice (with all that this implies)… these laws provide a legal framework for alien residents in Jewish territory [that is us in our own country, just as the Palestinians are aliens in theirs] …

throughout the ages scholars have viewed Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept in international law, or as a guarantee of frundamental human rights for all [they least do mean what they most do say, Ed.]“ (The New Ency-clopedia Britannica)“As everywhere in Jewish teachings, so is also Freema- sonry associated with the Bible… the Talmud and the Cabala.


Certainly, the Talmud and the Cabala have, for Jews in general, entirely different meanings, but they are compli-mentary to each other in Freemasonry. (Ludendorff p. 51)

The teaching of Jesus is freemasonically designated to be ‘religious morality’:

It is (inherent)in Judaism, in Hebrewism, and finally in Christianism, where the religious morality attains its completion… therefore exists the connection between the Bible and Freemasonry [I would say between Christianity and Freemasonry; the Bible teaches the mercy and grace of God is the only way to salvtaion (from ones SELF), humanism teaches morality. Ed.].

Clear and purpose-bound does the Jew strive to enforce his ’morality law’…through Freemasonry, to be the religion of the world.” (Ludendorff p. 59)Congressmen are so enamored with Jewish support for their political future they don’t bother to check out the facts. They voted the United States citizens under Jewish Noahide laws on the pretext of celebrating Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s “eighty-ninth birthday on March 26, l991.”

I ask the reader to consider the following references in relation as to what might, or might not, be the actual date of his birth.


The CURRENT BIOGRAPH YEARBOOK l983 tells us: “Menachem Mendel Schneerson presents impeccable credentials. Born on April, l8, l902 in the Ukrainian Sea Port of Nakolayev”, Ed-itor Charles Moritz, The H.W. Wilson Co., NY.


In l982 their American Friends of the Lubavitch lobby in Washington urged all 500,000 Lubavitch followers in thirty states to deluge U.S. Congressmen with appeals to declare

4 April, Menachem M. Schneerson’s eightieth birthday, ’A National Day of Reflection.’” (p. l75) It seems that for expediency any convenient date will suffice.

Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, is a Talmudic Jew who, ac- cording to CURRENT BIOGRAPH l983, p. 358: “When Jimmy Carter proclaimed his seventy-eight birthday ‘Education Day U.S.A.’ and again when President Ronald Reagan proclaimed his eight- ieth birthday a ’National Day of Reflection,’ he was repre- sented at the official ceremonies in Washington, D.C. by a delegation of Habad rabbis… [Hasidism emerged from the kab- balistic mysticism of the Middle Ages’”. (ibid. 357] Habad, Hasidism, and the Lubavitcher movement are one and the same - I reject the idea of March 26, l991 being set aside for “Education Day, U.S.A.” for Talmudic teaching.

AMENDMENT I to the U.S. constitution reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion….”




                                        THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"


Gnosticism is the "Science Of Reason" and Aryanism is Humanism, the Religion of the Gnostics. The word Humanism is derived from the name of the British god Hu (man).

After some fifty-odd years of research I have conclu­ded Aryanism came down from Buddhism, high in the Himalayas, and with it came religion. The DIGEST OF "MORALS AND DOGMA" OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY", directs us to page 714 where my conclusion is supported: "Every year the old world puts on new bridal beauty, and celebrates its Whit-Sunday when in the sweet spring each bush and tree dons reverently its new glories. Autumn is a long All-Saints' day; and the harvest is Hallowmass to Man­kind. Before the human race marched down from the slopes of the Himalayas to take possession of Asia, Chaldea, and Egypt men marked each annual crisis [of the sun], the solstices and the equinoxes, and celebrated religious festivals therein; and even then, and ever since, the material [as opposed to the Spiritual] was and has been the element of communion between man and God. Morals And Dogma, p. 714

Imagination, reason, and religion circled round the same symbol [the sun]. The worship of the Sun [transfigured as the Son. see Matthew 17:1,2 KJV] became the basis of all the religions of antiquity, ibid M&D p. 593

Humanity has never really had but one religion and one Worship... But always, after the nights of error, we see it reappear [or rise] one and pure like the Sun. M&D P. 102

And traces of the worship of the Sun yet linger in all religions, ibid p. 483

The luminous pedestal [Sun or Son]... is the symbol of that light of [human] Reason, ibid p. 210 (See John 8:12a)

That [human] REASON, then, is THE ABSOLUTE; for it is IT we must believe, if we would that our faith should have a reasonable and solid basis [^NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen'. Hebrews 11:1] It has been said in our times that God is a Hypothesis [an assumption]; but Absolute Reason is not one: M&D p. 737

To conceive of God as an actuality... the Kabala, [religious philosophy of the Hebrews] , like the Egyptians... imagined Him [God] to be 'a most occult Light',... M&D p. 740

THE fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalms 14:1 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: Proverbs 12:15a There is a way [works of the flesh] which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death [a carnal mind]. Proverbs 14:12 For to be carnally [worldly or fleshly] minded is death: Romans 8:6a
"In the heaven of human conceptions, it is humanity that creates God; and men think that God has made them in His image, because they make Him in theirs." M&D p. 736

All humanly devised religion, as religion is explained in the, Winston Simplified Dictionary, as: "5. effort by man to obtain the goodness of God", is, as God sees it, SELF commendation, SELF worship, and "vanity of vanities".

For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure, through the lusts of the flesh... those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. II Peter 2:18 Those who put faith in the man Christ Jesus, See I Timothy 2:5, as opposed to putting faith in God. For a time this error in judgment was permissible, because the "Spirit of truth" had not yet been granted man: "(But this spake he of the Spirit [of God], which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Ghost [Spirit of truth John 14:17] was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) John 7:39  I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images [of human perfection, not even Jesus]. Isaiah 42:8.

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination [image] of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence [man trying to enter the kingdom of heaven [of human conception, M&D p. 736, by works]. And God Looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh [those without the Spirit] had corrupted his way [of mercy and grace with" works of the flesh] upon the earth. Genesis 6:5,11,12

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man.... Genesis 6:3 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my Spirit upon him, and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles. Matthew 12:17,18

Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another; and the LORD harkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my Jewels, and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Malachi 3:16,17 Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dread­ful day of the LORD. Malach 4:5 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal (Lord, Master), then follow him. I Kings 18:21 [Jesus said] Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. John 13:13 "HU. - Chief deity among the Druids, usually termed Hu Gadarn, or HU the mighty... 'The smallest of the small is Hu the mighty, in the world's judgment: yet he is the greatest, and the Lord over us, and our God Almighty, (ibid p. 321)

SUN.- In all times, the sun [symbol for self, Ed.] has necessarily played an important part as a symbol and espec­ially in Masonry. The W.M. [Worshipful Master] represents the rising sun [or Son, as commemorated on Easter Sun Day at the Spring Equinox]. In the Druidical rites, the Arch-Druid represented the sun [or deified self]." (ibid. p. 701)

"The luminous pedestal [sun or self], lighted by the perpetual flame within, is a symbol of that light of [HU man] Reason. ((Morals And Dogma p. 210)

"DRUIDS, the priests of the Celts of Gaul and Britain, who, according to Julius Caesar, possessed the supreme au­thority there. They... superintended the affairs of religion and morality and acted as judges.... The Druids surrounded themselves with mysteries, and it is probable that they cherished doctrines which were unknown to the common people; but that they had a great secret philosophy which was handed down by oral tradition was very unlikely [actually it is most likely, Ed.]" (THE AMERICAN EDUCATOR ENCYCLOPEDIA 1948 emphasis added) c   "DRUIDS, Long ago when the Britons lived in England they had priests who were called druids... There were no temples in which the people could worship, but at noon or at midnight they went to a grove of oaks, where the Deity was supposed to be present, and,offered their prayers. The dru­ids worshiped the same gods as the Greeks and Romans, but they called them by different names, and they also believed in an after life [because of  their fear of God and death].

The druids were held in very great respect and honor, because they were so wise... Many years were spent in prepar­ation to be a druid, and only sons of illustrious families were allowed the enter the schools for training. They were sworn to secrecy, and they were supposed to possess a mys­terious science [the 'science of human regeneration *]." (THE WORLD BOOK, 1924)

"DRUIDISM, religious faith of ancient Celtic inhabit­ants of Gaul [France] and the British Isles.... The tenets of this religion included belief in immortality of the soul.

The druids were well versed in astrology, magic, and mysterious powers of plants and animals; they held the oak tree and the mistletoe... in great reverence, and they custom­arily conducted their rituals in oak forests." (Funk & Wag-nails, vol. 8)

"DRUIDS, THE ANTITNT AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF.- A quasi-Masonic, reconstituted by Bro. R. Wentworth Little in October, 1874. ... Master Masons alone are admissible to this body, which, it is to be hoped, will show signs of vitality at some time not far distant. (THE ROYAL MASONIC CYCLOPAE­DIA p. 165)

A Pastes [secluded or sacred chamber (ibid.)] was required, and the progress of the initiate was gradual; after severe trials he was admitted to the privileges of Druidism. The following principles were instilled into the candidate at progressive stages:... 5. None shall receive in­struction without the limits of our sacred grove: there the oak and the mistletoe favor devotion....  7. The secrets of our sciences and art must not be committed to writing; must repose in the memory alone....  11. The sacrifices are holy; none but the obedient shall attend them. 12. Man or woman may be sacrificed on extraordinary occasions." The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia, p. 500)

"The chief deity became the sun [self], and as further evidence of an early mild religion there is no record of general human sacrifice in this god.... To him there was a single annual sacrifice of one victim, chosen a year in advance. This particular sacrifice dates from the fourteenth century... The high priest... poised aloft the sacrificial knife then a single surgeon's stroke lay open the naked breast of the offering, tore out the heart and showed it to the sun and the populace before casting it at the feet of the idol. The body of the sacrificial victim was then prepared as a feast for all, regarded as a sacrament similar to the Chris­tian Eucharist...." (Religions of the World, GARELD L. BERRY p. 25)

"The sacred gates of the Temple, where the ceremonies of initiation were performed, were opened but once in each year, and no stranger was ever allowed to enter it. Night threw her veil over these august Mysteries, which could be revealed to no one. There the sufferings of Bakchos [or Bac­chus, the Sun, (or self] were represented, who, like Osiris [symbol for the sun], died, descended to hell and rose to life again; and raw flesh was distributed to the Initiates, which each ate, in memory of the death of the Deity, torn in pieces by the Titans [2 : one that is gigantic in size or power: one that stands out for greatness of achievement." (Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary)].

"These Mysteries also were celebrated at the Vernal Equinox [on Easter Sun Day according to Christianity]." (Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry p. 421)

"Those who in Trace [triune or Trinity] adored the Sun [self], under the name Saba-Zeus (Jesus) , the Grecian Bakchos... There the [triune] passion, death, and resurrection of Bakchos were represented." (Morals And Dogma p. 410) Hath a nation changed their god, which are yet no gods? But my people have changed their glory [tribulation Eph. 3:13] for that which doth not profit.' (Jeremiah *2:11) I hate I despise your feast days, and I will not smell (the incense Ex. 30:8) in your solemn Assemblies. (Amos 5:21)

MIDSUMMER NIGHT Bohemian Festival

"As we have seen in the study of holidays, the Isrea-lite people have done little to change their wickedness in celebrating festivals to other gods. Even after they became aware of the evil involved and the pagan background of such festivities, they merely prune and refine and 'Christianize' these days into respectability.

The Celtic festival of Lugnasad, or Midsummer Night (also St. John's Day) is usually held on the first of August and has persisted to our day. Sir James G. Frazer in his book The Golden Bough says:

^The festival appears to have been a sort of Midsummer saturnalia answering to the real Saturnalia [Christmas, cel­ebration at the Winter Solstice] which fell at Midwinter... The custom of rowing in flower-decked boats on the river on this day proves that it was to some extent a water festival; and water has always, down to modern times, played a conspicuous part in the rites of Midsummer day, which explains why the (Roman Catholic) Church, in throwing its cloak over the old heathen festival, chose to dedicate to St. John the Baptist.' (AMERICAN COVENANT CHURCH,  Newsletter, P.O.- Box 8430, Medford, OR 97504)

He [Frazer] goes on to tell his readers that this day was one of the most important 'of the year among the primit­ive Aryans of Europe.'" (ibid)

"Most of the great calendar feasts of the Celtic year were later placed under the protection of the Church. Imbolc was assigned to St. Brigit, Lughnasa became Lammas, the First Fruits festival, Samain was changed to All Saints Day, and the solstice feasts of midsummer and midwinter became St. John's Day and Christmas [Christ mass] respectively.

Bel-tain, however, was assigned no place in the Christian calendar; it was always regarded as a pagan and later as a secular festival." (THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A DRUID PRINCE, By Anne Ross and Don Robins)

"Hislop in his, The Two Babylons, tells us that, The Feast of the nativity of St John is set down in the Papel calendar for the 24th of June, or Midsummer-day.... That is on or about the 24th of June--one of the grand original festi­vals of Tammuz was celebrated [see Ezekiel 8:12-14 Ed.]. For different reasons, in different countries, other periods have been devoted to commemorate the death and reviving of the Babylonian god [Baal, (Lord - Master)].... (American Covenant Church)

Our people's fascination with fire plays no small role in their being snared into such idolatry. The fires of the KKK, Aryan Nations, or even some Identity Groups [the ^British Israelites' and ^Identity Christians' who claim to be the ^ten lost tribes of Israel' who are none other than, them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan Rev. 2:9 & 3:9] stand as witness to their decep­tion and apostasy. Children are taught by their parents and when they grow up they continue in these sins. The innocent 'good times' of youth turn into more sinister evils in ad­ulthood.

It is probably for far more religious reasons that the elit­ist ruling powers over our people have also picked this day as theirs. The secret group known as the ^Bohemian Club' reveals one of the foundational reasons for the rampant sin

and debauchery found in our land--our leaders are decadent.

c In the Parade section of the Sunday paper on 22 February

1981 we read:

'Nearly 2000 carefully selected government officials, corporate tycoons and other luminaries--men with power to shape the futureassembled-secretly last July in a redwood forest about 65 miles north of San Francisco. They began with a somber ritual that featured the Druidic burning of an effigy on an alter, chants from a robed chorus and a baccha­nal reminiscent of ancient Greece.

'... Here, among the tall timber, members of the upper crust disport themselves each year like overgrown Boy Scouts. Ronald Reagan... Vice President George Bush... Secretary of De­fense Casper Weinberger... Attorney General William French Smith... Such other worthies as former President Gerald Ford, financier David Rockefeller, columnist William F. Buckley and Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart usually join in the annual high jinks. Even former President Nixon has let his hair down at this wooded retreat.'

One could name such notables as Goldwater, Herbert Hoover, Walter Cronkite, William Randolph Hurst and Ray Kroc of Mc­Donald's. Every Republican president since Calvin Coolidgeand all but two Californian governors since Hiram Johnson have been Bohemians. The San Francisco Chronicle (Sat, Jul 17, 82 ran an article on this group in which it said:
Each year, the members of San Francisco Bohemian Club be­gin their encampment with a little-known 100-year-old ritualthe 'Cremation of Care.' In front of a 40 foot concrete


owl (ritttimifta-t-ed ones ^Budefe-as^-}- ... dozens of priests, acol-

ytes [one who assists the minister--IVe.bsters] and fireten-ders attempt to burn the effigy of Dull Care.... The ceremony is a tribal rite... the modern-day equivalent of a primitive secret society. They become like a brotherhood.... '

The only people to care for housing, cooking, and caretaking at the "Grove" are teenagers. 'There have been homosexual relations between waiters and members of the Bohemian Club' according to the state attorney Robert Barnes. The club's secretary, Maurice De Lano Fuller Jr., stated that 'a fem­inine touch of sorts is provided at the grove, by club mem­bers who dress as women and put on burlesque shows.' (Par­ade, Feb 22,1981)' '...Members freely concede that men some­times dress in women' s attire as part of the regular Thurs­day evening entertainments which are at the heart of Bohem­ian culture.' (M magazine, Feb 1986). The cult hires two thousand of the highest class prostitutes in the country, to satisfy the perverted desires of the members. It is reported that the prostitutes do not wear clothes and are fair game for members at any time... It has even been reported that a human sacrifice is performed. A barge of logs and brush is floated out on the river and burned with the victim tied to it. A few years ago a reporter was caught on the site and killed.
These are the modern day ceremonies and rituals of paganism during the summer solstice, the dying day of Osiris [symbol for the Sun], as he begins his long trek away from the earth and the days become longer... The direct and logical result of pagan upbringing, often by our Israelite mothers and fathers who did not care enough to ^seek first the Kingdom of God.' With such knowledge how can any sane person believe that our leaders are 'Christian!' What kind of a Christian president (Ronald Reagan) could be part of such abominations [and now we have George W. Bush, as our President, proclaiming he is a Christian]  who, like his father and grandfather, before him, is a member of Yale's Skull & Bone secret society, what kind indeed! ]...." (Newsletter of "AMERICAN COVENANT CHURCH" Box 8430 Medford OR 97504)



More and more Americans are beginning to ask 'What has gone wrong in our Country?' The answer can be summed up in two words: moral depravity. National decay and destruction always follow on the heels of moral depravity. In Amer­ica, in the last decade, we've seen the greatest moral de­generation that has ever taken place on the face of the earth ....


Government officials continue to lead in this march to destruction.... Even our President [Reagan], who was cultured in Hollywood (the greatest purveyor of perversion in the world), and whose son works for Playboy, lacks the discre­tion to disassociate with gross immorality.

Several months ago I exposed the fact that Ronald Reagan, George Bush, George Schultz and several others at the top of the bureaucratic pyramid belong to the exclus­ively elite fraternity known as the Bohemian Club. As one might assume from the name itself, this club caters to its all male membership (around 2,000 members) by providing them an opulent atmosphere in which to endulge themselves in base heathen drunkenness, homosexuality and revelry. They also indulge in curious pagan worship rituals and ceremonies." (AMERICAN COVENANT NEWSLETTER Jan. 1987)



                     THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"


Most people are unable to comprehend the intense evil of God's enemies who inflict pain and death on the world's most gullible and hapless inhabitants. Strangely much of this is accomplished through the process that is supposed to bring aid and comfort to suffering humanity, the medical profession.

"Professor Nilus was a priest in the Orthodox Church in Russia. He published the first Russian language edition [of The PROTOCOLS of The Learned Elders of ZION] in 1905. Translated from the Russian of NILUS By VICTOR MARSDEN Late Russian Correspondent of 'THE MORNING POST'." (SONS OF LIBERTY, Box, 1896 Hollywood, CA. 90028

"Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York World, February 17, 1921, put the case of Nilus tersely and convincingly thus:

'The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old [not ancient], and they have fitted the world situation up to this time, THEY FIT IT NOW.'



This is a secret which has not been revealed. They are the Hidden Hand.... They are not the 'Board of Deputies' (the Jewish Parliament in England) or the 'Universal Israelite Alliance' which sits in Paris. But the late Walter Rathenau of the Allegmeiner Electricitaets Gesellschaft has thrown a little light on the subject.... Writing in the Wiener Freie Presse, in December 24, 1912, he said:"

'Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of the European continent [all continents by now], and they elect their successors from their entourage." (INTRODUCTION to "PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of ZION",


By SONS OF LIBERTY, Box 1896, Hollywood, CA 90028 excerpts)

"Great White Brotherhood: (see Adepts).... 'Adepts are men who.. After stern self-denial and by means of consistent self... development, have fitted themselves to assist in the ruling of the world... the purpose for which he was created and transcends (a) his fellows. They are also known as the Great White Brotherhood....'" (AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF OCCULTISM, By LEWIS SPENCE)

"GREAT WHITE LODGE: The Hierarchy of Adepts or Elder Brothers which, according to occultist teaching, is the true, inner government of the world". DICTIONARY OF ALL SCRIPTURES AND MYTHS, By Frank Gaynor, p. 73)

"Great White Brotherhood: In general occult terminology [is], a synonym for Great White Lodge. In the Terminology of the Rosicrucians, (b) The Great White Brotherhood is 'the school or Fraternity of the Great White Lodge and into this invisible Brotherhood of visible members every true student of the [Buddhistic] Path prepares for admission.'" (Rosicrucian Manuel)

The foregoing may give you a clue as to how they have managed to secret the Elders. Now let us return to their PROTOCOLS and why medicine is in the hands of the occult: "A Fifteenth Century 'Protocol' {or so they say]

The principles and morality of these latter-day Protocols are as old as the tribe. Here is one from the Fifteenth century which Jews can hardly pronounce a forgery, seeing that it is taken from a Rothschild Journal [Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) (d), a Jew, born in Frankfurt German, created the current banking system. Rothschild, means ^red-shield' in German]; hence the red conspiracy.

'I. As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, and let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts.

'2. As for what you say about the command to despoil

you of your goods' [the law was that on becoming converted

to Christianity, Jews gave up their possessions]; 'make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs.

'3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries [pharmacists] that they may take away Christians' lives.

M. As for what you say of their destroying your syna­gogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.

A5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them...." (PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of ZION, P. 6. 7)

With the creation of the Encyclopedia-Dictionary (c) by the above element we had the creation of Greek etc. myths on which to base certain assumptions. Take the following for example:

To show another reason why medicine might well have a satanic occult bent I want to quote Jethro Kloss, Author of, "BACK TO EDEN":

"Hippocrates [supposedly 460-357 B.C.], the 'father of medical literature,' as he was called, was, as far as we know the first man to practice medicine as an art [since historian H. G. Wells (e) tell us there was no such thing as history until the last 200 years (which he wrote in 1921, which makes it nearly three hundred years now) Hippocrates, like Aristotle, and Socrates, was no doubt a figment of the human imagination, but with that thought in mind let us continue to follow our Author and quote a portion of the Hippocratic Oath originally addressed to the gods];

'I swear by Apollo the physician and Aesculapius and health and all heal and all the gods and goddesses that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this oath.'

'Apollo, the physician,' was addressed as the 'two horned God.'(f) of Orphic hymns.'" (Lancer Books, Inc. 1560 Broadway, NY, NY.

""APOLLO, SON OF ZEUS:- ...God manifest, or the Higher Self." (Dictionay Of All Scriptures And Myths, G.A. Gaskell)

"Aescaulapius, who was sworn to next, was supposed to be the 'father of medicine' at this time, and times past.... The name is not in the Greek language. There are three words which make up the word Aescaulapius, ASHE, SKUL, APHE.... The word ASHE [man], SKUL means instruct, APHE means snake. Aescaulapius means MAN-INSTRUCTING-SNAKE...." (BACK TO EDEN)

According to Funk & Wagnalls, The "Aescaulapian snakes [are] symbols of the god of medicine Aesculapius."

The CADUCESUS, physician's symbol, is comprised of the "staff of Osiris", god of the dead and the netherworld; the "wings of Mercury" messenger of the gods and conveyor of the dead to Hades, with the two "Aescaulapian snakes" entwined about the staff of Osiris. Then there is the following:

"KNIGHTS OF MALTA, name given to the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem....

KNIGHTS OF RHODES, name given to the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem....

KNIGHTS OF SAINT JOHN OF JERUSALEM known as HOSPITALERS or KNIGHTS HOSPITALERS, shorter forms of their full name, The Sovereign Military Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Historically [there is no such thing as a recorded history of the eras assigned to the crusaders] the Knights Hospitalers were the protec­tors of a hospital built in Jerusalem before the first crusade by the blessed Gerard (d. 1120). The order was founded after the formation of the Latin Kingdom of Jeru­salem, approved by Pope Paschal II in 1113, and again approved by Pope Eugene III in 1153.

Knights of Rhodes... The properties [identity or nature] of the Knights Templars were given to the order in 1312.

Knights of Malta [of Rhodes; of Saint John; or the Templars]. The order figured in European history until well into the 19th century. As the Knights of Malta.

The Knights of Malta, as recognized by' Pope John XXIII in 1'961, form a religious community and an order of chivalry... Organized in five grand priories and a number of national associations, they carry on diplomatic relations with the Vatican and with individual countries. As a religious community, they maintain hospitals, first-aid centers, and facilities to care for war casualties and Refugees [sounds like the Red Cross, Rosicrucian Degree].

KNIGHTS TEMPLARS, members of a medieval religious and military order [which includes the Knights of Malta, Rhodes, and Saint John of Jerusalem] officially named the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ, and popularly known as the Knights of the Temple of Solomon or Knights Templars [the Masonic Lodge is known to the Masons as Solomon's temple].

The Knights Templars were headed by a grand master under whom were three ranks: knights, chaplains, and ser­geants. The knights were the dominant members, and they alone were allowed to wear distinctive dress of the order, a white mantel with a large red Latin cross on the back.

Knights Templars now are members of the York Rite of the Masonic system, see Freemasonry." (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol. 14)

Hal Zina Bennett, author of: "THE DOCTOR WITHIN How to use our Natural Healing system To Keep Us Well", states:

"Before self-help gained impetus, the medical community was well aware of the short comings of crisis-oriented medicine.

Among the most alarming developments in modern medicine is the rising incidence of iatrogenic disease - that is, disease caused by medical treatment, (p. 3,4)

EXAMPLE: One out of every five people admitted to research hospitals for medical care acquires a disease caused by the treatment they receive. Of these, one in thirty results in death. One in ten of these occurs as the result of a diagnostic procedure.

EXAMPLE: Infections contracted in hospitals exceed the rate contracted in the average household...! One of the most serious infections of this kind is caused by resistant strains of gram-negative bacteria. A report in Annals of Internal Medicine warns physicians that gram-negative bac­teria may be killing as many as 100,000 people each year!" (Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. NY, Dist. By Crown Publishers p.5)

"The existing connection of Masonry with the science of the mystics is confined now to its emblems [the CADUCEUS and the RED CROSS], but the fraternity originated in magic, and among alchemists and magicians [Magi]. "Arthur W. Waite,

To learn what medicine has to do with this philosophic religion [of Humanism or Gnosticism], let us consider the word "Alchemy", the foundation of medicine:

"1: a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into [philosophical] gold, the discovery of the universal cure for disease. And discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life." (Webster's)

God's enemies fear death and realize God has power over death so they have created a whole mystic world in hopes of avoiding inevitable death.

On the surface ALCHEMY would appear to be something concrete but rather it is something mystic and occult:

"...It is human nature which was transmuted into a condition that... became akin to Divine nature [the SUN]." (Waite, A NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY p. 14)

"The philosophical gold [SUN or SON] in religion is the [Science of] Absolute and Supreme [human] Reason... in visible nature, the Sun [symbol for SELF]... the perfect and pure gold [therefore religions day of worship is called SUNDAY]." (Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry p. 773)

"Harrison L. Rogers Jr., M.D. President of the


[Ameriacan Medical Association], in his inaugural address of 6/19/85 entitled 'Weathering The Storm' said: 'We have developed the gold standard of the world in medical and health care [AIDS].:"(JAMA [Journal Of American Medical Association] vol. 254, No. 11, 9/20/85, p. 1461,1463)

On December 5, 1987, someone who wished to remain anonymous sent me a copy of a portion of a Newsletter but failed to send me the source of the Newsletter, all of which is irrelevant. It simply stated:

"In next month's Newsletter, we will trace the origin of the AIDS virus to a number of laboratories in Maryland, all a part of Global 2000. The plan to annihilate a large part of the world's population by the year 2000'"

"In July, 1980 Secretary of State Edmund Muskie endorsed as official Carter Administration policy the Global 2000 Report, which calls for the worldwide elimination of 2 billion human beings by the year 2000. Today that policy of global genocide remains the official policy of the United States Government." This is simply something from my files I have known for years.

The following excerpts are taken from, HEALTH FREEDOM NEWS, Sept. 1987 "WHO MURDERED AFRICA, BY William Cambell Douglas, M.D..

There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement. WHO, the World Health Organization, murdered Africa with the AIDS virus....

There are some viruses in animals that cause... lethal cancer in those animals, but do not affect man or other animals. The bovine leukemia virus (BLV)... is lethal to cows but not humans. There is another virus that occurs in sheep called sheep visna virus which is also non-reactive to man. These deadly viruses are ^retro viruses' meaning that they can change the genetic composition of cells that they enter [cancer can be3 described as 'a cell that changes form'].

The World Health Organization, in published articles, called for scientist to work with these deadly agents and attempt to make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. In the bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), Volume 47. P. 251, 1972, they said, 'An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function.

That's Aids. What the WHO is saying in plain English is ^let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, and acquired immune deficiency.'

Why would anyone want to do this? If you destroy the t-cell system of man you destroy man. Is it even remotely possible that the World Health Organization would want to


develop a virus that would wipe out the human race? [I, answer a resounding yes! Ed.) The UN is the nucleus of the NEW WORLD ORDER].

Aids started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil, and Central Africa. Because of the artificial nature of AIDS viruses it will not easily transfer from man to man until it has become very concentrated in the body fluids.... After repeated transfer it can become a 'natural' infection for man, which it has.

They used smallpox vaccine for their vehicle and the geographical sites chosen in 1972 were Uganda and other African states, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. The present or recent past of aids epidemiology coincides with these geographical areas."

(a) For look with me first and the common denominators in all of our religions. That man shall not steal... nor murder or harm his fellow man... concepts of kindness, and charity, and restraint of appetites... respect for age... gratitude for favors received... a reverence for a Power or Powers greater than man himself. And of course dozens of others... that I have not named.

But Gentlemen, please note, these are also exactly the characteristics with which evolutionary selection has gradually endowed man, to enable him to rise out of an animal existence, haltingly but surely towards a more humane civilization and a promise of a tremendously more wonderful future. In fact the very word "upward," as we use it here, can be taken to describe and define those traits which, found in some species and not found in others, caused those favored species to outstrip their rivals, and to come upward through the evolutionary competition, until one such species became civilized man. One philosopher will tell you that the possession of these upward traits in some species was purely an accident of nature; another that it was due to the plan of a Divine Being. To me they are both saying the same thing. (The Blue Book of TEE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY p. 139,140)

(b)  TEMPLARS, Knight Kadosh, (Holy Man - alias, TEMPLAR, Rosicrucian Degeree [of Freemasonry].

"Templar Order professed orthodoxy, but the chiefs only knew the aim of the ORDER.

Templar ambitions and aims were to be rulers over the Masters of the world." (DIGEST OF "MORALS AND DOGMA" p. 189

(c)  The Enlightement (Buddha's, or Enlightened Ones) of the 18th century created the Encyclopaedia Dictionary for the Masons: using stories of gods' and goddesses, fables from the Iliad and Odyssey, they created Ancient History.


(d)  "It is hardly accidental that [the] Rothschilds, when they hired Karl Marx and the League of Just Men to formulate a program, received the Comnmunist Manifesto of 1848 which contained the... formula:

1. Abolition of all monarchies and all ordered governments.

2. Abolition of private property and inheritances.

3. Abolition of patriotism and nationalism.

4. Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of communal education for children.

5. Abolition of all religion". (THE WORLD ORDER, Our Secret Rulers, by Eustace Mullins. P. 4 The following quotes will carry the page number of Eustace Mullins, Book)

Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) discovered that although loans to farmers and small businesses could be profitable, the real profits lay in making loans to Governments, (p. 6)

As he prospered Mayer Amschel placed a large red shiels over his door.... He took the name "Rothschild" from his sign [in German it is "red shield": Rothschield had five sons].... The eldest, Anselm, was placed in charge of the Frankfort Bank. The second son Solomon, was sent to Vienna, where he soon took over the banking monopoly.... The third son, Nathan, founded the London Branch.... Karl, the forth son, went to Naples, where he became head of the occult group, the Alta Vendita. The youngest son, James, founded the French branch of the House of Rothschild in Paris, (p. 7) '

This was the political origin of the American Civil War. The Rothschilds feared the rapidly growing and in­creasingly prosperous free American Republic, and they privately resolved that it would be less of a danger 'to their worldwide interests if it were broken up into two smaller and weaker nations [Lincoln thwarted their plans] .

(p. 9) Hearst's Chicago Evening American commented, Dec. 3, 1923, 'The Rothschilds can start or prevent wars. (p. 10)

For more than a century, a widespread belief has been deliberately fostered in the United States that the Rothschilds were of little significance in the American financial scene. With this cover, they have been able to manipulate political and financial developments in this country to their own advantage, (p. 16)

The Bank of England and the Rothschilds continued to play a dominant role in the commercial life of the United States, causing panics and depressions for the Rothschilds wherever their officials were instructed to do so. (p. 32)

The Council on Foreign Relations of 1936 states, 'On May 30, 1919 [following WW 1] several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs... Consequently they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royual Institute of International Affairs [RIIA] , in London... to advise the British Government...

The 'founders' of the RIIA were, one and all, Rothschild men...."

(e)  "The world of Plato, Isocrates, and Aristotle had practically no historical perspective at all; there had not

\ :                                                               .

been such a thing as history in the world... until the last couple of centuries../' (THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY vol. 2 Chapter 8 p. 408)C

(f)  Baphomet: The goat-idol of the Templars and the deity of the sorcerers' Sabbath... An account of a veritable Baphometic idol is as follows 'A pantheistic and magical figure of the Absolute [Human Reason]. (AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF OCCULTISM By Lewis Spence)  ...

                        THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"



The "Templar Order professed orthodoxy, but the chiefs only knew the aim of the Order. (DIGEST OF ^MORALS AND DOG­MA' p. 189)

'Templar ambitions and aims were to be rulers over the Masters of the world.' (ibid.)

Templar Chiefs studied the Hermetic Science [the "Sci­ence Of Human Regeneration' to the point of human perfec­tion, that was to be accomplished through self (ie human) effort, in contention with God's gift of grace]." (ibid.)

"To acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and at need to fight, to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabbalistic dogma [the Moralist Philosophy], were the object and means proposed to the initiated Brethern.' (M&D. p. 817)

There existed at that period in the East a Sect of Johannite [Gnostic] Christians.... They pretended to know the true history of YESUS (Jesus) the ANOINTED, and adopting in part the Jewish traditions and the tales of the Talmud, they held that the facts recounted in the Evangels are but allegories [intended for the teaching a moral lesson, Ed.]....

The Johannites ascribed to Saint John the foundation of their Secret [moralist] Church, and the Grand Pontiffs [Popes] of the Sect [THEOCLETS] assumed [personally] the title of the Christos, Anointed, or Consecrated, and claimed to have succeeded one another from Saint John by an uninter­rupted succession of pontifical powers. He who, at the per­iod of the foundation of the Order of the Temple, claimed these imaginary prerogatives, was named THEOCLET [^Theoclet, Johannite Pontiff, initiated de Payens (^one of the founders of the Templars), into the Gnostic Mysteries. DIGEST OF 'MORALS AND DOGMA' p. 192}....

'The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and assoc­iations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannes [Gnosticism or Kabbalism]; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic [Christian]." (M&D P. 816, 817)

And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 11:9)

"'The Templars, whose history is so imperfectly known, were those terrible conspirators. (M&D p. 815)

XA power that ruled without antagonism and without con-curence and consequently without control, proved fatal to the Sacerdotal [sacred or priestly] Royalties; while the Republics... had perished by the conflict of liberties and franchises [freedom from restriction]... had soon become mere Tyrannies (given to oppressive control, Webster's)], rivals one of another. To find a stable medium [harmony] between these two abysses the idea of the Christian Hierophants

[ 'men of intellect and well understanding the disposition of the people and the art of controlling them....' (M&D. p. 383] was to create a society devoted to abnegation [personal sac­rifice and self abasement] by solemn vows, protected by se­vere regulations; which should be recruited by initiation

[into the Lodge], and which, soul depository of the great religions and social secrets, should make Kings and Pon­tiffs.... In that was the secret of that kingdom of Jesus Christ [Kingdom of Athe heaven of human conceptions' M&D p. 736]. And which, without being of this world, would gov­ern all its grandeurs. (M&D p. 815)

'This idea presided at the foundation of the great re­ligious orders.... Its realization was also the dream of the dissident sects of Gnostics or Illuminati [Enlightened Ones or Buddha's].... (ibid.)

The occult [moralist] philosophy seems to have been the nurse or the godmother of all religions, the secret lever of all the intellectual forces.... (M&D p. 729)

The Hospitalers [Rosicrucian or Red Cross Order] and Templars took upon themselves [monastic like] vows of obed­ience, poverty, and chastity. (M&D p. 802)

Thus CHARITY and GENEROSITY are even more essential qualities of a true and gentle Knight, and have been so in all ages.... (M&D p. 803)

"The successors of the Ancient Adepts Rose-Croix [Red Cross or Rosicrucian Order]... became a Mystic Sect, united with many of the Templars, the dogmas of the two interming­ling....

The mystical meaning of the Rose as a Symbol [for human regeneration or "self perfection" to the point of self re­demption] are to be looked for in the Kabalistic Commentar­ies on the Canticles.... The Conquest of the Rose [human re­generation] was, the problem propounded to Science by Init­iation [into the dogmas of the Lodge], while Religion was laboring to prepare and establish the universal triumph... of the Cross [sacrifice of Christ as a ransom for the soul].

To unite the Rose ["Science of Human Regeneration"] to the Cross [of the Christos, Heb. Anointed One or Messiah], was the problem proposed by the High Initiation; and in fact the Occult Philosophy [of so-called good words, good deeds, and good thoughts (ie Gnosticism)] being the Universal Syn­thesis. (M&D p. 821)


It is the Humanity, far more than the Divinity, of Christ, that makes the mass of Christians worship Him, far more than they do the Father." (M&D p. 743)

Their land is full of idols: they worship the work of their own hands [in SELF improvement, Ed.].... (Isaiah 2:8)

And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven [the heaven of human conceptions] with his mighty angels, In flaming fire [wick­edness burneth as a fire Isaiah 44:22] taking vengeance on them that know not God.... (II Thessalonians 1:7, 8) I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. (Deuteronomy 32:41b) Evil shall slay the wicked.... (Psalms 34:21)

For the inhabitants of Maroth waited carefully for good: but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem. (Micah 1:12) The LORD hath accomplished his fury; he hath poured out his fierce anger, and hath kindled a fire [wickedness Isa. 9:18] in Zion, and it hath devoured the foundations thereof. (Lamentations 4:11)

The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. For the sins of her prophets, and iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her.

jo  App  aqq  qpqq  sp  -paoM Aq jou   'qTJTds  Aq  jaqq-pau   'pajq

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paAojaq aje Asqi   'uoirqoaxa  fiuxqonoq  sp   qnq   :saj[ps  jnoA

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Christ is at hand. (II Thessalonians 2:1,2) For it is the day of the LORD'S vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion. (Isaiah 34:8)

Let no man [the man Christ Jesus, I Tim. 2:5] deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition (destruction). (II Thessalonians2:3)

Jesus said: If I had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin: If I had not done among them the works [of the law] which none other man did, they had not had sin.

(John 15:22a,24a) [Here Jesus is telling believer and un­believer, alike, "he" is that "man of sin".

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness

[of Sin Ex. 16:1] so must the Son of man be lifted up [as the serpent in the wilderness of Sin ('Sinai]. (John 3:13,14) Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man [as the serpent in the wilderness (of Sin).... This land that was desolate, a wilderness] is become like the garden of Eden/ (Eze. 36:35a) Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; (Ezekiel. 28:13) ...and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD:... (Isaiah 51:3b)

Jesus answered and said.... Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth [on the cross, as the serpent in the wilderness]... will draw all men unto me. The people answered him, We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever: and how sayest thou, The Son of man must be lifted up?  Who is this Son of man? (John 12:30a,31, 32, 34) Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself: but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. (John 8:28)

And now ye know what withhold that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity [good words, good deeds, good thoughts of the "Moralist Philosophy"] doth al­ready work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. Then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness [illuminism] of his coming. Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power [And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Mat. 28: 18] and signs and lying wonders. (II Thessalonians 2:6-9) God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders... (Hebrews 2:4a) ... that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. (Acts 4:30b) And with all de-ceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be

saved. And for this cause God shall send them stong delusion that they should believe a lie: (II Thessalonians 2:11) For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same [for all]: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them. (Psalms 75:8)

Yea, they turned back and tempted god, and limited the Holy One of Israel [such as are of a clean heart Psa. 73:1

(and questioned his power to save by grace alone Ed.)]. He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and in­dignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.

(Psalms 78:41:49)

These are the "angels of the seven churches that are in Asia", (see .Rev. Chapter 2) They are "FAITH... represented

[symbolized] by the Sun;  HOPE... by the Moon;  CHARITY... by Venus;  FORCE... by Mars;  PRUDENCE... by Mercury;  TEMPERANCE... by Saturn;  and JUSTICE... by Jupiter. (M&D p. 727)

The seven "evil angels" are also the seven planets, at­tributes, or so-called human virtues accepted and promoted by those of the Sephiroth Theology of Jewish Gnosticism and Kabbalism, as the seven lesser elements of human perfection.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan [Heb. (Adversary)], which deceived the whole world: (Revelation 12:9a) And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom [of the "Heaven of human conceptions"] stand? (Mat­thew 12:26) But when the Pharisees heard it they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of devils. (Matthew 12:24)

And Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? (Matthew 12:26) And the whole mlultitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all. (Luke 6:19)

But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God [if God allows you to see the truth in this] then the kingdom of God is come unto you. (Matthew 12:26,28)

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say Lo here! or, lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20,21) For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink [the communion of the body of Christ]; but righteousness [faith] and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost [Spirit of Truth]. (Romans 14:17)

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name [the name of Jesus], he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remem­brance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26) But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceeded from the Father, he shall testify of me: (John 15:26) If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true. (John 5:31,32)

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. (Romans 8:6) And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (John 17:3)

                    THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"

      CHAPTER 21.

"ANCIENT OF DAYS" Hebrew Messiah

"According to the Kabalah, as according to the doc­trines of Zoroaster, everything that exists has emanated from a source of infinite light [human reason]. (Morals And


Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freema­sonry p. 286)

The luminous pedestal [sun - symbol for SELF], lighted by the perpetual flame within, is the symbol of that light of Reason ...." (ibid. p. 210)

"Ancient of days, title given to the Creator in the Kabalah." (DIGEST OF "MORALS AND DOGMA" p. 7)

"The sources of our knowledge of the Kabalistic doc­trines, are the Jezirah and the Sohar [Zohar]..." (M&D p. 266) "The Zohar: The Kabbalist conception of the Nature of God: THE KABBALISTS SPEAK OF God in two different ways... when they seek to define God, to draw attention to His attributes and give us a precise idea of His nature, they speak in the lan­guage of metaphysics [philosophically]...." (THE KABBALAH The Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews by Adolphe Franck p. 83)

"Before everything, existed THE ANCIENT OF DAYS... a ti­tle often given to the Creator in the Zend-Avesta.... (M&D p. 266)

"AVESTA or ZEND-AVESTA the prayer book of the Zoroas-trian religion (see ZOROASTRIANISM)." (Funk"& Wagnalls Ency. vol. 3)


Zend-Avesta, borrowed from and added to the Jewish doctrine... Zend-Avesta, Kabalists and Gnostics adopted doctrines of the Zend-Avesta, the creator called the Ancient of Days in the..."

"Out of Persia was to come one of the highest and most philosophical conceptions of deity before the time of Christ .... About 660 B.C. a man-child was born in Media... who was to bring forth a highly enlightened religion. This was Zara-thustra or Zoroaster....

He taught that life was a struggle between the forces of Good and of Evil..,.

The spirit of good was Ahura Mazda, Lord of Wisdom, with his helper, Mithras, Light. The evil spirit was... Ahr-iman." (Religions of" the World, Gerald L. Berry emph. add.)

The DIGEST OF "MORALS AND DOGMA", lists Zoroaster, Zoroaster's or Zoroastrians, etc. twenty-seven time, and Ahriman fifteen times.

"The ancients [of the house of Israel Eze.  8:11,12] thought that universal humanity acted under the influence of two opposing principles, the Good and the Evil." (Morals & Dogma p. 221)


Zoroastrianism is "Dualism": the philosophy that Good verses Evil. Zoroastrianism is the, "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" that God warned Adam and Eve not to par­take of. God said: "thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Genesis 2:17) God was not referring to physical death but Spiritual death: "For to be carnally minded is death:" (Romans 8:6a) God was warning them that if they ate of the "tree of the knowledge of good verses evil" (Gnosticism) the occult dual-istic philosophy of the Hebrews, they would henceforth be carnally minded, and therefore, Spiritually dead.

The world the ancients believed, was governed by Seven Secondary Causes; and these were the universal forces, known to the Hebrews by the plural name ELOHIM." (M&D p. 121

"Elohim [Heb.: pi. of Eloah, God], one of the two Hebrew names for God...." (THE WINSTON SIMPLIFIED DICTIONARY)

"So, in the Kabala, the last Seven Sephiroth [seven lesser spirits of perfection to be humanly acquired to make one perfect, known in the Hebrew Kabbalah by the [plural] name 'ELOHIM'] constitute ATIK YOMIN, the Ancient of days....

Morals And Dogma tells us these attributes [Sephiroth]: "...were anciently symbolized by the Seven Celestial bodies then known as planets. Faith... was represented by the Sun; HOPE... by the Moon;  CHARITY... by Venus;  FORCE... by Mars;


PRUDENCE... by Mercury;  TEMPERANCE by Saturn;  and JUSTICE... by Jupiter." (M&D p. 727) Named for gods, these are the an­gels of the seven churches, seven stars, or seven candle­sticks (Menorah of Jewish worship) of the Book of The Rev­elation of Jesus Christ.

"Sephiroth [above mentioned attributes] of the Kabala constituted the Ancient of Days [the Seven spirits of the Gnostics M&D p. 564]." (DIGEST of M&D p. 167)

I saw in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven [as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud, they sins Isa. 44:22}, and came to the Ancient of days [fulfilling the Sephiroth re­quirements for human perfection], and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion [see Gen. 1:26] and glory, and a kingdom [the kingdom (of the Son of man Mat. 16:28)], that all people, nations, and languages should serve him. (Dan 7:13:14) Thou hast made his glory to cease, and cast his throne [of iniquity which frameth mischief by a law Psa. 94:20] down to the ground (Psalms 89:44)

I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the An­cient of days did sit, whose garment [of vengeance, Isaiah 59:17] was white as snow [The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow. 5:27 unclean Lev. 13:3] and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne [of the works of iniquity Psalms 94:20] was Like a fiery flame, and his wheels* as burning fire. (Daniel 7:9) For wickedness burneth as a fire. (Isaiah. 9:Ida)

* Psa. 83:13 0 my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind (of doctrine Eph. 4:14) Psa. 83:12 Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession. Mal. 4:lb And all the proud, yea, and all; that do wickedly, shall be as stubble:

Eze. l:16c and their appearance and their work as it were a wheel [stubble - before the wind of doctrine] in the middle of a wheel.

I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day [the day of ven­geance of our God, Isa  61:2] And heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet (Revelaion 1:10) ... the trump of God, (I Thess. 4: 16) And being turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candle­sticks; [the Heb. Menorah, "a candelabrum used in Jewish worship" (Webster's), symbolizing the last seven Sephiroth or attributes of human perfection of the occult philosophy] and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like the Son of man. Clothed with a garment [of vengeance Isa. 59:17] down to the foot... His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [seven spirits of God, Rev. 5:6 the evil angels of Psa. 54:49 or last seven of the Sephiroth] were as a flame of fire [wickedness Isa.9:18], and he had in his right hand [he stood with his right hand as an adversary Lam. 2:4] seven stars [planets symbolizing the last seven (Sephiroth)] (Revelation 1:12,13,14,16)

The mystery of the Seven stars [planets] which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels [Sephiroth or seven spirits] of the seven churches [in Asia Rev. 1:4; Judaism; Confucian­ism (Toaism); Zoroastrianism (Mithraism); Hinduism (Buddh­ism) ; Mohammedism (Islam); Brahmanism; and the beginning of Christianity; all of which are Gnosticism]. (Revelation 1:20)

AND I stood upon the sand of the sea [Israel, Jsa. 10: 22, Hosea 1:10, & Rom. 9:27], and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads [the last seven Sephiroth of the Kabala] and ten horns [the total of seven Sephiroth: FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY, FORCE, PRUDENCE, TEMPERANCE and JUSTICE, plus the first three: WILL, WISDOM, and INTELLIGENCE: these are the ten horns of the beast] and upon his horns ten crowns [Free Will, the first Sephiroth is human "WILL" power, cal­led Kether, the Crown] and upon his heads [attributes - the crown of will or human xself perfaction'] the name of blas­phemy. (Revelation 13:1) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven [the Son of man, see Rev. 1:13], and goeth into perdition. (.Revelation 17:11) -^' : ~: ,• '"

Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man (.Rev­elation 13:18) Let no man [the man Christ Jesus; I Tim 2:5] deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, ex­cept there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. (II Thessalonians 2:3)

Jesus said: If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin... If I had not done among them the works [of the law] which none other man did, they had not had sin... But when the Comforter [Holy Ghost] is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded from the Father, he shall testify of me: (John 15:22a,24a,26) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32) ... for there went virtue out of him and healed them all. (Luke 6:19b)


THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"


 "DUAD: (See God.)"

"Dualism: 3 a : a doctrine that the universe ['b : the world of human experience' ibid.] is under the dominion of two opposing principles [forces] one of which is good and the other evil." (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)

Knowing the above dualism is the occult theology [hu­man science of religion], I sought to find the word dualism in. "AW ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF OCCULTISM", By Lewis Spence.

Where I, alphabetically, should have found the word dualism I, instead, found the following:

"DUAD: (See God.) [for God, from the same source, we have the following]:

GOD: According to the ancient magical conceptions of God in the scheme of the universe [^the world of human experience' Webster's], evil is the inevitable contrast and the complement of good.

The very idea of goodness loses its meaning if consid­ered apart from that of evil... The dual nature of the spir­itual world penetrates into every department of life ma­terial and spiritual. It is typified in light and darkness, cold and heat, truth and error [without a contrast they all lose their force of meaning, or significance. The human intent is to destroy that contrast so that nothing is good and nothing evil], in brief, the name of any two opposing forces will serve to illustrate the great primary law of nature... the continual conflict between the positive or good and the negative or evil.

The possibility of sin and error is therefore entirely consistent with and even inseparable from life, and the great sinner a more vital being than the colorless character because more force of character, more power for good or evil is displayed by the sinner [evil?] than by the feebly cor­rect [these consider goodness as colorless and correctness as weakness]. And that power [of evil to overcome good Ed.] is the most precious thing in life.

This great dual law, right and wrong [thesis, antithes­is, left and right, good and bad, etc.] two antagonistic forces, call them what we will, is designated by the term duad [God]. [These, God's enemies, believe to destroy an­tagonism between good and evil is to destroy God, who cre­ated every thing male and female, thesis antithesis, or an­tagonistic] . It is the secret of life and the revelation of that secret means death [but only to Hu (man) or SELF, as Deity]. This secret is embodied in the myth of the Tree of Knowledge in Genesis (^But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [Gnosticism or neutralizing the contrast between the forces of good and evil], thou shalt not eat of it

[Gnosticism]: for in the day that thou eatest [partake] thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2:17) To be carnally [hu-man-ly or fleshly] minded is [Spiritual] death! (see Romans 8:6a)].

Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves.... Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the simi­litude of any figure, the likeness of male or female

[thesis, antithesis]. (Deuteronomy 4:15a,16)

From the duad [two opposing forces, or thesis, (start­ing an action); that produces (a reaction), or antithesis] is derived the triad [synthesis, "The New World Order" where you cannot distinguish evil from good: a place ruled by "The British God HU (man)." By neutering contrary forces through the humanizing process of thesis, antithesis, synthesis] , on which is based the doctrine of the trinity." (Spence p. 185) In Natural Religion thesis is depicted as the male or Father. It is also referred to as the Sun, and the anti­thesis, is depicted occult as the female (mother, Mary), or the moon, and the union of these two produce the synthesis, Son, Horus or the Christ; the destruction of values in equilibrium or unity in new phrases or words that are void of meaning such as ethics, whose meaning is in the eye of the beholder and of no consequence] the secret of nature.[these contrary forces, in Natural Religion], are designated by the duad.... According to theology [religious science or god-logic] there are three persons in God, and these three [thesis, antithesisf synthesis] form one Deity [the Self, empowered as god to create the synthesis]." (p. 132 ref. p. 185)



             THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reasoson" Chapter 23


A TIME, AND TIMES, AND HALF A TIME Dan. 12:7 (King James Bible)

A "time" being twenty, makes "times" equal to forty, and "half a time" equal to ten! This brings us to a total of 70. It can represent 70 hours, days, weeks, months, or years, according to whatsoever God chooses it to represent in the mysteries of the spirit in the Word of God. In any event it represents, according to the Scriptures, the "day of the LORD'S vengeance for the controversy of Zion." (Isa­iah 34:8) ... wherefore the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:2b) ... it shall be the time of the heathen. (Ezekiel 30:3b

Behold, thou art called a Jew, and restest in the law [the law of a carnal commandment Heb. 7:16], and makest thy boast of God. And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness. An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes [in Christ I Cor. 3:1], which hast a form of knowledge and of the truth in the law. Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? Thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? For the name of God is

jo speep etpj. q.notp.TM tp.TBj £q perjT^snC  st trem tb epnxouoo eM ecrojejaqj;   (S'Q'-Z suejsdi[d3)    'iseoq pinoqs  ueui

Aue  isai  s^jom jo  :}on   *poo jo 3JJ6 aqj st  :jr   r jo  jou   (mrej)   jeqq. pue   .'q^Tej  qfinojqq. paABs  eA

Aq JOj   (IZ'-L  suewox)    -eui q^TM ^uasajd st  TTAa   [MEI japun]   poo6 op p^noM i  uaqw   '^etp   'met;  h uaqj putj  i

(9'-Z9 ^T^sx)    -pauiaqdseTq j?t  Aep Axienurjuoo  auieu Aui pue   /QHOT ^W^  q^Tes   'T^ uieqj J9AO afnj  jeqj Aaqj,  i,jq5nou aoj aemb ua^ej  st •TZ   'esd  ^aeaq ueaio  e jo aae  se qons aa/ia]   a^doad Aui

[P°3]   QHOT su.3-  U.3-Tes   'a^aq  I  aAeq  jeqw   'aaojajaq:}  mom £ /ct€'Z' T:£Z M^mi^M)    'saAiasjnoA ueqq.  naq jo aaoui piojom^ uiTq a^eui aA   'apeui st  aq uaqM pue   '; -asojd auo  a>(eui oj puej  pue  eas  sseduioo  noA aoj   \-'saasTJeqd  pue  saq-pjos   'noA o^un  aow   :uatu jo uaas  aq oj op Aaq^  s)(jom ajaqj  -[je  ^ng   'SjaBuTj  JTaqj jo  auo qjTM aAoui jou  iijm  sdA-[9sui3i[i  Aaq^  ^nq   /sjapxnoqs  syuaui uo

Aex  pue   'auaoq aq oj  snoAajaS pue   [wei;  aqj jo  s^jom]   suap -anq AAeaq pujq Aaqq. jqj   • q.ou  op pue   'Aes Aaqq. jdj

aA  jou op }nq   [mbj  aq^ o^ buTqTaosqns] sasow ut  jts  saasTaeqj  aq^ pue  saqjjos  aqj,   'SujAes   ' -tosjp  sjq oj pue   'apn^Tjinuj aqj  oj  snsap  a>[eds  N3HI

(bZ'£Z'lZ'QZ'6l'Ll'-Z suewox)    -ua^^TjM  st   jt  se   ('uno/T jo noA  qfinoaqj  saiT^uag  aqj  Suouie pauiaqdse"[q


law. (Roman 4:28) Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity: Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me [the works of the law that cannot save: see Rom. 3:20].... (Psalms 141:4,9)

They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him... (Titus l:16a) For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; For to be carnally [flesh­ly] minded is death; (according to Romans 8:6a) Because the carnal mind [laboring under the law] is enmity against God. (^Romans 8:5,6,7) ...the enmity [is] even the [carnal] law of commandments contained in ordinances; (Ephesians 2:15a)

But Israel, which followed after the law of righteous­ness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Where­fore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. (Romans 9:31,32a) For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse... But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The law is not of faith: (Galatians 3:10,11 12a) But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (Mat 15:9 & Mark 7:7) THEREFORE leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ [of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of re­surrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. (Hebrews 6:la,2,3) let us go on unto perfection [faith freely given us of God] (Hebrews 6: la,2,3,); not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead [carnal] works, and of faith toward God, (Hebrews 6:lb)

Wherefore then serveth the law? was ordained of angels [the reader should refer to Psa. 78:49 KJV, concern­ing the angels] in the hand of a mediator. (Galatians 3:19) For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (I Timothy 2:5) Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. (Galatians 3:20)

Now we beseech you, brethern, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.... That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ (Heb. "Anointed One" or Messiah, "day of vengeance",) is at hand. Let no man [the man Christ Jesus, I Tim. 2:5] deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed. The son of perdi­tion (son of man); Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lyng won­ders, (II Thessalonians 2:19) And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes [thick darkness Job 38:9], lying in a manger. (Luke 2:12)

[Jesus said:] If I had not done among them the works (of the law) which none other man did, they had not had sin, John 15:24 [thus proclaiming himself to be that man of sin], And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved [Jesus, as God's appointed servant, has served to deceive the carnally minded, as "God's image", for a time and times and half a time]. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they might be damned who believed not the truth [that all is by God^s grace], but had pleasure in unrighteousness [lack of  faith in God, himself].... (II Thessalonians 2;1A,2,3,9-11,12) AND the word of the LORD came unto me, saying. Son of man [Jesus, John 8:28], set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word [the gospel of Christ] toward the. holy pla­ces, and prophesy against the land of Israel, And it shall be unto them as a false divination in their sight .... (Eze-kiel 21:1,23)

For for this cause was the gospel [of Christ Mark 1: 1} preached also to them that are dead [carnally minded, see Rom. 8:6a] that they might be judged [damned JI Thes. 2:12] according to men in the flesh.... (I Peter 4:6) And I brethern, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. For ye are yet carnal [flesh as opposed to Spirit]: CI Corinthians 3:1,3a)

But the end of all things [of vengeance] is at hand. Be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. (I Peter 4:7) For this is the day of the LORD God of hosts, a day of vengeance that he may avenge him of his adversaries: (Jeremiah 46:10) And you who are troubled rest [from your works] with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven [the heaven of human conceptions (M&D p. 736)] with his mighty angels [sev­en attributes of human perfection, FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY,  " FORCE, PRUDENCE, TEMPERANCE, and JUSTICE: the evil angels of Psal. 78:49^ Mat. 13:41342a; Rev. 16:1] in flaming fire [wic­kedness Isa.9:18] taking vengeance on them that know not God .... (II Thessalonians 1:7) Keep me... hide me under the shadow of they wings, From the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about. ... 0 LORD, from men of the world... (Psalms 17:8,9,14b) Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? (James 2:6b) For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old [or err the earth was. Prov. 8:23b] ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of god, into lasciviousness, and denying the only LORD God and [the truth concerning the purpose for] our Lord Jesus Christ. (Jude 4) Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression,-and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for" iniquity [self gratifying "works of the flesh" done to satisfy the laws of Moses, ordinances of men, and personal vanity], and to bring in everlasting righteousness [unshakeable faith in Almighty God] and seal up the vision [see Job 4:12-17] and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Daniel 9:24)

So will I make my Holy name known in the midst of my people Israel [even such as are of a clean heart, Psal. 73: 1] And I will not let them pollute my HOLY NAME any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel [such as are of a clean heart]. (Ezekiel 39:7) Now a thing was secretly me, and mine ear receiv­ed a little thereof. In thoughts from the visions of the Night [and the darkness (having the understanding darkened Eph. 4:18) he called Night (Gen. 1:5)], when deep sleep [death or a carnal mind, Rom. 8: 6a] falleth on men, Fear [when the truth about Jesus role in God's plan, is reveal­ed] came upon me, and trembling.... Then a spirit [the spirit of Jesus Christ] passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up: it stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof [he hath no form nor comeliness; Isa. 53:2b]: An im­age [of God Heb. 1:3] was before mine eyes, there was sil­ence, and I heard a voice saying, shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his maker? Be­hold, he put no trust in his servants [see Rev. 19:10] and his angels he charged with folly: How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust [flesh].... (Job 4:12-19a) He rained flesh [carnality] also upon them as dust. (Psa. 78:27)

Behold, it is come and it is done, saith the Lord God, this is the day whereof I have spoken [the day of vengeance of our God]. (Ezekiel 39:8)

Now be not stiffnecked, as your fathers were but yield yourselves unto the LORD, and enter into his sanctuary,... and serve the LORD your God, that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you, (II Chronicles 30:8) For sin [trans­gression of the law] shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. (Romans 6:14)

And when he (Jesus) was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say Lo here! Or lo there! For, behold, the king­dom of God is within you [when you find you have peace with God].. (Luke 17:20,21). For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness [faith], and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost [Spirit of Truth]. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: (Hebrews 12:28)

Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law. (Romans 3:19a) There­fore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; (Romans 4: 16a) Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is [under grace], there is no transgression [of the law]. (Romans 4:15) Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight.... (Romans 3:20a) Moreover the law entered that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: (Romans 5: 20)

How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words .unto you. (Proverbs 1:22)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7) I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil [abom­inable works] before mine eyes, and chose that [self sac­rifice] in which I delight not. He that killeth an ox [a

reference to Mithras a type of Christ in the occult, see your encyclopedia for Mithra or Mithras] is as if he slew a man, he that sacrificeth a lamb [the lamb of God Johnl:29] as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation [such as "the blood of Christ" (Hebrew Messiah)] as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense [as do those of the Catholic priesthood], as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their ways [the ways of man], and their soul delighted in their abominations. (Isaiah 66:3) The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: (Proverbs 15:8a) [This is the abomination of desolation (destruction) spoken of in Matthew 24:15.

THE fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there was any that did understand and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all to­gether become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. (Psalms 14:1-3)

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man [the law given by Moses, John 1:17] but the end thereof are the ways of death [a carnal mind]. (Proverbs 14:12), 16:25)

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8,9) There­fore harken unto me ye men of understanding: far be it from God, that he should do wickedness; and from the Almighty, that he should commit iniquity. (Job 34:10)

All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes but the LORD weigheth the spirits, (Proverbs 16:2) It is The spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: (John 6:63a) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory [tribulation Eph. 3:13] the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,).... (John l:14a)

BELOVED, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that conf-esseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is in the world. CI John 4:1-3) Christ is flesh, not spirit.

That day [the day of God's vengeance] is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress... a day of darkness [Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Ephesians 4:18} ... a day of clouds and thick darkness [transgressions and sins, Isaiah 44:22} (Zephaniah 1:15) For the day of ven­geance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. (Isaiah 63:4)

In the beginning [.of revenges] God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1) And the earth was without form and void. (Genesis 1:1,2a) And the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence [trying to take the kingdom of heaven by works of the flesh]. (Genesis 6:11)

The earth is given into the hand of the wicked... (Job. 9:24a) The heaven shall reveal his iniquity; and the earth shall rise up against him. (Job 20:27) And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination [image] of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5) Thus saith the .LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man [the beast of Rev. 13:18], and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. (Jeremiah 17:5)

WHO hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? ...he hath no form... [as the earth Gen. 1:2} and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. (Isaiah 53:l,2b) For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested [from all his works] the seventh day: (Exod­us 20:lla) AND after six days [on the seventh] Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John... and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart [the mount of corruption (II Kings 23:13) [of God's way of grace with works], And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment [garment of vengeance Jsa. 59:17] was white as the light.... (Mark 17;2) ... and the law is light... (Proverbs 6:23b)

And God called the light [law] Day and the darkness [having the understanding darkened Eph. 4:18] he called Night. (Genesis 1:5) Day [the law] unto day uttereth speech and night [having the understanding darkened Eph. 4:18] unto night sheweth knowledge [GK. Gnosticism]. There is no speech nor language, where their voice [the law and Gnos­ticism] is not heard.  Their line [of confusion Jsa. 34:11] is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them [the law and having the under­standing darkened] hath he set a tabernacle for the sun (Son) (Psalms 19:2-4) Yea, the light [law] of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire [wickedess, Isa. 9:18] shall not shine. The light [law] shall be dark in his tabernacle.... (Job 18:5,6) He hath bent his bow as an enemy: he stood with his right hand as an adversary [Heb. Satan], and slew all that were pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion [Jerusalem]... The Lord (Jesus Christ) was as an enemy: (Lamentations 2:4,5a) There­fore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun [Son] is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit. For what hath a man of all his labor;, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein he hath labored under the sun [Son]? (Ecclesiastes 2:17:22) And moreover I saw under the sun [Sun of righteousness Afal. 4:2] the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness [Jesus absolute faith in the will and wisdom of the Father], that iniquity [his works of the flesh under the law] was there. (Ecclesiastes 3:16)

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man [The Sun was His manifestation and visible image*] in heaven.** And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven [transgressions and sins Isa. 44:22] with power [of dark­ness Luke 22:53 having the understanding darkened Eph. 4:18] and great glory [tribulation Eph. 3:13] (Matthew 24: 30) For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. (Luke 21:22)* Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Acceptable Scott is Rite Of Freemasonry, p. 13)

** Heaven of human conceptions M&D p. 736 par. 2

 Behold he cometh with clouds [transgressions and sins Isa. 44:22] and every eye shall see him... and all the kind­reds of the earth shall wail because of him. (Revelation 1: 7) And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east [eastern religions] and west [Christianity] and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven ["the heaven of human conceptions" M&D p. 736]. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: (Matthew 8: 12a) Having the understanding dark­ened, being alienated from the life of God through the ig­norance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: (Ephes. 4:18) there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 8:12b) The sorrows of death [a carnal mind Rom. 8:6a] compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. (Psal. 18:4) Consider and hear me, 0 LORD my God: lighten mine eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death [a carnal mind]. (Psa. 13:3) Sacrifice and offering [the cross] thou didst not desire; mine eyes hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering thou hast not required. Then said I, Lo, I come... I delight to do they will 0 my God: yea, they law is within my heart. Withhold not thou they tender mercies from me. 0 LORD: let thy loving kindness and thy truth continu­ally preserve me. (Psalms 40:6-8,11) By mercy and truth in­iquity is purged: Psalms 16:6a)

The LORD [God] is known by the judgment which he exec-uteth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. (Psalms 9:16) Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous [those whose faith is in God] shall be desolate. (Psalms 34:21) For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul [flesh] and spirit ... and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart [whether carnal or spiritual] . (Hebrews 4:12) ... and he shall stretch out upon it [the Word of God] the line of confusion, and stones of emptiness. (Isaiah 34: 11)

And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their name... every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes. (Ex­odus 28:21) But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line [of co.nfusion] upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a lit-'  tie; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken. Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jeru­salem. Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death [flesh or a carnal mind, Romans 8:6a] and with hell are we in agreement; when the overflowing scourge [I will pour out my wrath upon them like water. Hosea 5:10b] shall

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stated in .Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 KJV. Max I Dimont, states their purpose and modus operand! (method of operation] very well in "JEWS, GOD AND HISTORY":

"They wanted to create a Jewish culture which could also be used by the West.,..

As they looked about them, these harbingers of the early Haskala saw half of Eastern Europe's Jews infected with the Hasidic doctrines of salvation.... These first Has­kala intellectuals did not view the Hasidists as ignoram­uses, but viewed Hasidism as the 'opiate of the people'- as an escape from the miseries of physical existence [that latter phrase is purest Buddhism] . (ibid. p. 344)

The Haskala... born of the West,' child of the German En­lightenment, and reared in the East, ward of the Jewish intellectuals, the Haskala was Jewish humanism* painted

over Western Enlightnment [Eastern Buddhism]." (ibid. p.353 emphasis added) 

"'Masonry' says Albert Pike, in Morals and Dogma, "is the descendant of that higher science ["science of human regeneration"] held by the ancient teachers of those ancient religions that once illuminated the minds of men.'

* °The British God HU was called 'the Dragon - Ruler of the World,' (Morals And Dogma p. 205; God makes reference to this dragon, the "Moralist Philosophy" or "Sephiroth Theo­logy" (Revelation 12:3). God knew from the "beginning".


"This science [knowledge of human nature] was known as the Gnosis.'

'The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo; the Zend-Avesta [Buddhist Bible], of the Persians (Iranians); the Kabbalah of the Hebrews; and the sacred books of Egypt and India [Mythology and Hindu­ism] ; and thus introduced in the early days of Christianity, that which formed a large part of the ancient teachings of the [Magi or Magicians of the] Orient.' (T. Stewart: Masonry and its Message, pp. 55-56)

^The Masonic system was devised three centuries ago, at a time of general unrest and change, as a preparatory infant -school in which once again the alphabet of world-old Gnosis might be learned and an elementary acquaintance made with the science of human regeneration.'"  (W. Wilmshurst, The Masonic Initiation, p. 218)*

Concerning the "regeneration" spoken of by Jesus Mat. 19:28: we find human regeneration is aimed at perfecting man through the doctrines of Jesus, best expressed in the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh chapters of Matthew, and ending with: "the people were astonished at his doctrine: Matthew 7:28

*  (FREEMASONRY and the VATICAN - A STRUGGLE FOR RECOGNITION Translated from the French by VICOMTE LEON DE PONCINS by Timothy Tindal-Robertson, p. 1  And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven

[And, behold, there was a great earthquake [trembling]: for the angel of the Lord (Jesus Christ) descended from heaven....

(Matthew 28: 2] clothed with a cloud [transgressions and sin

Isa. 44:22}: and a rainbow was upon his head [He hath bent his bow like and enemy: Lam. 2:4a] And his face was as it were the sun [I have seen all the works that are done under the sun;, and behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. Eccl. 1:14] and his feet as pillars of fire [wickedness Isa. 9:18] And he cried with a loud voice as when a lion roareth [Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion (Satan or Adversary), walketh about seeking whom he may devour: I Pet. 5:8]:

And the angel which I saw standing upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever... that there should be time no longer [the time of the heathen Eze. 30:3]. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished... (Revelation 10:1,3,5-7) And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world [(Babylon, Israel, etc) thine enemies Deut. 28:29] are be­come the kingdoms of our Lord (Jesus) and his Christ (Heb.

'Anointed One \ or Messiah). (Revelation II:15 a)



THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"

Chapter 24            


And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitant of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 11:9) There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, lake a roaring lion [the devil, I Pet. 5:8} ravening the prey they have devoured souls; (Ezekiel 22: 25)

"In 1776 [the year America declared her independence] [Adam] Weishaupt [A Jesuit trained Jew] organized the Illum-inati to put the plot into execution.

In 1784 'An Act of God' placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the continuing Luciferian Conspiracy. Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor of canon law, defected from Christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in In-goldstadt University. In 1770 the money lenders (who had recently organized the [banking] House of Rothschild [Red Shield]), retained him to revise and modernize the [so-call­ed] age old 'protocols' designed to give the Synagogue of Satan ['which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; Rev. 3:9] ultimate world domination.... Weishaupt completed his task May 1st, 1776.

(4) The illuminati were to obtain control of the Press and all other agencies which distribute information to the public. News and information was to be slanted so that the Goyim [Gentile 'cattle'] would come to believe that a One World government is the ONLY solution to our many and varied problems.

(2) Illuminati on the faculties of colleges and univer­sities were to recommend students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well bred families with interna­tional leanings for special training in internationali'sm [Bill Clinton, was one of those granted a: 'RHODES SCHOLAR­SHIP ... awarded to select students... for study at the Univer­sity of Oxford (England). '" (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclope­dia) Cecil Rhodes was a South African British subject and diamond merchant who wanted England to bring the United States, as well as all the rest of the world, under the British Flag. He spent his life and fortune working toward that end.

(3) Influential people trapped [through Freemasonry] into coming under the control of the Illuminati, and stud­ents who had been specially educated and trained were to be used as agenturs and placed behind the scenes of ALL govern­ments as 'Experts' and 'Specialists' so they could advise the top executives to adopt policies which would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the One Worlders and bring about the ultimate destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve [their ul­timate goal is the destruction of both peoples and govern­ments. That is why President Bush wants to attack Iraq with with mega force]. .

Only Masons who proved themselves Internationalists, and those whose conduct proved they had defected from God, were initiated into the Illuminati.

In 1829, the Illuminati held a meeting in New York which was addressed by a British illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were informed that the Illuminati in­tended to unite the Nihilists and Athiest groups with all other subversive organizations into an international organ­ization to be known as Communism....The fund they raised financed Karl Marx and Engels when they wrote.,.'The Commun­ist Manifesto' in Soho, England. ('Pawns In The Game' By Wil­liam Guy Carrf random quotes from the INTRODUCTION)-

Karl Ritter (1779-1859) was a German Professor of His­tory and Geopolitical Science. He wrote the anti-thesis to Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. He...drew up a plan by which he maintained the Aryan Race could first dominate Eur­ope and then the entire world. Certain Atheistic leaders of the Aryan Group adopted Karl Hitter's plan. They organized Naziism to further their secret ambitions to obtain ultimate control of the World and turn it into a Godless State, under their conception of a totalitarian dictatorship.

Because the 'Aims and Objects' of the Leaders of the Aryan Party have always been kept secret, Karl Hitter's connection with the Leaders and Naziism is very little known.(Pawns In The Game p. 4,5 emphasis added)

"According to Weishaupt's revised version of the age-old conspiracy the Illurainati were to organize, finance, direct and control ALL international organizations and groups by working their agentur into executive positions AT THE Top. Thus it was that while Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto under the direction of one group of II-luminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis [Naziism] under the direction of another group, so that those who direct the conspiracy AT THE TOP could use the differences in these two ideologies [the idea that there was a difference in the two ideologies, Marxism and Naziism, was an illusion created to seduce the mind of the unsuspecting] to start dividing larger and lar­ger numbers of the Human Race into opposing camps so they could be armed and then made to fight and destroy each other together with their political and religious institutions. The work Ritter started was continued by the German so-called philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) who founded Nietzscheism [Nietzsche's philosophy was that of the elite of Freemasonry and Judaism, 'man is the supreme being and divine'. Nietzsche is the one who was credited with hav­ing made the statement, 'God is dead!'].

Nietzscheism was developed into Fascism and later into Naziism and used to enable the agenture of the Illuminati to foment World Wars One and Two.

In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader Guiseppi Maz-zini was selected by the Illuminati to be director of their revolutionary programme....

In 1840, General Albert Pike [composer of the 861 pages of "Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry"] was brought under the influence of Mazzini...and ultimately became head of the Luciferian Priesthood. Between 1859 and 1871 he worked out the details of a military blue-print, for three world wars...which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stages during the twentieth century.

Most of his work was done in the 13 room mansion he built in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1840.

Pike's plan was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to fo­ment the three global wars....The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the pow­ers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism.

World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differ­ences between Fascists and political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the pow­er of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine.

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differ­ences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Polit­ical Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world."(Pawns In The Game, excepts from the INTRODUCTION p. XIV,XV emph. add.

It becomes evident Zionism is the major beneficiary of Pike's continuing wars. Great Britain has been a major play­er on behalf of Zionism. Freemasonry had it birth in London, England, in 1717. The Communist Manifesto also-originated in England as did the Balfour Declaration; "a letter expressing the 'sympathy' of the British with '^Jewish Zionist aspira­tions .'"(Funk & Wagnalls) That letter led to the nation of Israel being established in Palestine.

"'The mystery' of Freemasonry is everywhere the Jew himself. The German, but also the member of any other race must only come to see it....The Jewish people themselves, of course, know only to well what is concealed in Freemasonry, Rabbi Dr. Isaak M. Wise thus explains in 1855:

'Freemasonry is a Jewish Establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.'" ('Destruction Of Freema­sonry Through revelation of their Secrets, By General Erich Ludendorff p. 8.)

"The question we have to resolve is whether there is or can be such a thing as an occult theology secretly animating Freemasonry. For guidance in this...let us refer to the work of the celebrated rabbi, Elie Benamozegh. In his Israel et 1'Humanit'e  [which I will translate as 'Israel and the Hu­man Nature'], which is generally regarded as an outstanding contribution to contemporary Jewish thought....Rabbi Bena­mozegh tells us:

'What is certain is that the Masonic [Sephiroth] theol­ogy responds well enough to that of the Kabbalah. '"

"Kabalah: The esoteric mystic lore of Judaism, based on an occult interpretation of the Bible and handed down as a secret doctrine to the initiated. It is an essential element in most schools of occultism' (DICTIONARY OF MYSTICISM, Ed -ited By FRANK GAYNOR) and the editors...added in a footnote at the bottom of the page:

'To those who may be surprised by the use of such an ex­pression [Masonic theology], we would say that there is a masonic theology in the sense that there exists inv Freema­sonry a secret, philosophic and religious doctrine, which was introduced by the Gnostic Rosicrucians at the time of their union with the Freemasons in 1717. This secret doc­trine, or gnosis [science], belongs exclusively to the High, or philosophic, degrees of Freemasonry." (quote taken from, "FREEMASONRY AND THE VATICAN, TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF VICOMTE LEON DE PONCINS By Timothy Tindal-Robertson, p. 122)

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the borrowed from the Kabalah; all the masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols.

The Kabalah alone consecrates the alliance of the Uni­versal (catholic) Reason [of man] and the Divine Word [of God]; it establishes, by the counterpoises of two forces ap­parently opposite [working in opposition to each other to neutralize both - such as spirit and flesh; works and grace; good and evil], the eternal balance of being [creating the absence of any contradiction and thus finding the secret of peace through lack of opposition, which is the religious thought of Buddhism and Christianity alike. The true commun­ist way is peace through eliminating opposition to despotic rule; no matter how you have to establish it; whether it be by use of physical force or the subtilty of brainwashing]... It reconciles the [human] Reason and Faith. (Morals & Dogma p. 744, emphasis added)

Man is thus human and divine.

Science [of human regeneration] rests on reason and ex­perience, and Faith has for its bases sentiment and reason." (ibid. p. 776

Science strives to achieve equilibrium (balance) be­tween the opposits of absolute reason of man, and absolute faith in God, which is an impossibility and will lead to the destruction of those who attempt it. Man's sole aim is the destruction of faith in God, so despotic man can reign as god and be recognized as his own personal saviour. That is the definition and aim of religion.

"'This is what the Freemason, Wilmshurst, has to say in his book, "The Masonic Initiation":

"'Modern speculative Freemasonry had a beginning in the early years of the eighteenth century, but only in the sense that in 1717 originated that which afterwards developed into and now subsists as, the English masonic constitution..Ma­sonry itself existed long before that time and esoterically, in a variety of communities of mystics and occultists...

'All through the Christian centuries, behind the activ­ities of public elementary religion and the official work of the church, can be traced evidences of this higher, esoteric [occult] more abstruse and difficult work [the "great Work" of "human regeneration", through the occult philosophy of good words and good deeds) of mystical Masonry.

'The religious reformation of the fifteenth century [led by the following men, working in unison in their re­spective areas; German, Martin Luther; Frenchman, John Cal­vin; Scotsman, John Knox; and Swiss reformer Huldreich (Ul-

rich) Zwingli] was the first great episode in a far-reaching revolutionary movement....Amid the intensifying unspiritual-ity and materialism of the times and impending disintegara-tion of public instituted religion, a decision seems to have

been come to by some far-seeing enlightened minds to puc forward the old mystical gnosis [Kabalah or Sephiroth Theo­logy of Judaism and Freemasonry].'"^. Wilmshurst, exceprcs p, 183,184,188,190,191)





THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"



"'Our Founding Fathers have been labeled 'Deists.' George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Lock, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, and other col­leagues, led a movement which gave birth to the United States of America. However, their reputations have been shaded with mystery and doubt due to the fact historians, educational institutions and churches have reminded us that they were 'Deists'. Then for the coup de grace they proceed­ed to define 'Deism' as 'Humanism' for their readers, ruin­ing forever the image of these otherwise Christian heroes.

To add to the dilemma, the modern victors have also in­fluenced our dictionaries. Noah Webster's Dictionary in 1828 tells that 'Deism' was: 'the belief or system of religious opinions of those who acknowledge the existence of one God but deny revelation: the belief in natural religion only those truths, in doctrine and practice, which man is to discover the light of reason, independent and exclusive of any revelation from God." (FREEMASONRY IN THE AMERICAN REV­OLUTION By Sidney Morse & Other Related Articles From Mason­ic Sources On American History, emphasis added)

You cannot build a better future by looking to the past and a government sired by Founding Fathers who were known Deists and Masons. It was only in 1717 the first Masonic Lodge was established, and that was in London, England. By the year 1776 (at the birth of our Nation), only 59 years later, the Masonic "Order of Illuminati (Enlightened Ones or Buddhas)", known also as the xRose Croix Degree' or "Rosi-crucian Order" of Freemasonry was established in America. We know John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, were members of this Order. George Washington and at least four other of our first six presidents were Masons, whose first duty was to their "Oaths" as Masons. This Oath super­seded their duty to their Oath of Office as President of the United States. Loyalty to country is set aside in favor of One World government fostered by the "power elite" of Free­masonry. This alone could account for the steady decay of a government whose, so-called, "Declaration of Independence" begins with: "When in the course of human events:" thus de­claring its origin to be strictly humanistic or man center­ed, contrary to how we have been deceived into believing its origin was God centered. This same "Heritage Document", line two, shows what God these men served when they declared this Government to be under: "the laws of nature and Nature's God." Their efforts were not God centered in the sense of the True God, but centered on "The British God HU (man) 'The Dragon - Ruler of the World'" (Morals & Dogma p. 502)

Manly P. Hall clears up any doubt we might still have about "why" and "how" this nation was established, "It can­not be doubted that the secret societies of Europe conspired to establish upon the American continent 'a nation, conceiv­ed in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal [in fact lines two and three of 'The unan­imous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America', read: xWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal!]. Two incidents in the early history of he United States evidence the influence of that silent body which has so long guided the destinies_of people and relig­ions. By them nations are created as vehicles for the pro­mulgation of ideas, and while nations are true to these Ideals they survive; when they vary from them they vanish...." (THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES, p. 200 col. 1)

Arch Alexander best expresses it in, A SHORT HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY: "Humanity is in a state of strife [God tells us 'the works of the flesh are manifest' and among those things listed as 'manifest as works of the flesh' is ^strife' (Gal-atians 5:15,20]. The savage state is war of all against all. Self preservation is the supreme good; death the supreme evil [this is truly their secret philosophy, and they are angry at God because they cannot overcome death. That is why religions teach there is "life after death]. To promote the one [self preservation] and prevent the other [death] is the first law of NATURE. Every man regards his neighbor with fear and suspicion. This condition leads men to enter with one another into a kind of treaty or contract, in which each renounces his freedom and limits his desires.... This social contract becomes... the original foundation of the State's constitution [its laws]. Such a compact, however, can be realized only through the subjection of all to one [the STATE]. Thus the sovereign becomes the  State, and his will, law. Right and wrong, good and evil, virtue and vice, have no meaning in themselves [the STATE decides these issues]... Order prevails when all men come to see that they gain by this mutual respect for the united subjection to the common head [the STATE! But who heads the state?].

The political system of Hobbes [1588-1679 English Phil­osopher]... was the direct outcome of his materialism.... The concept of the State as a vast machine from which was to be excluded every private judgment, every dictate of conscience or religious conviction in so far as it interfered with what the State ordained was right, was a counterpart of that me­chanical theory of the universe in which nothing is recog­nized but the necessary working of material [HU (man) or hu­man force]. His political and social views were framed on the basis of the atomistic [composed of unconnected or antagonistic fragments] philosophy of Bacon [Francis 1561-1626]... the re­duction of the whole world to natural laws. Hence he called the state the 'mortal God' or 'the great Leviathan' which swallows up all individuals. He rejects all ecclesiastical authority, and opposes every religion which seeks to be in­dependent of the state PIN that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the pierc­ing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon {British God HU (man) or Humanist, see M&D 502} Isa. 27:1].

Religion is only possible through the State. It is the government alone which must determine what is useful and what is hurtful, what is to be revered and what may be be­lieved. The Legal worship of god [British god HU] is relig­ion; the illegal worship of him, superstition [any reference to the TRUE GOD they consider a matter of superstition be­cause they have no access to the Spirit of God. 'But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.' I Cor. 2:14. The materialist has only his own reason and logic in which to trust. Since the humanist cannot visualize the future he attempts, in vain, to create it according to his reason and logic and SELF interest] ." (excerpts p. 160-161)

With Freemasonry serving as mid-wife at the birth of our Nation isn't it quite possible that from the beginning it was created for the purpose it now serves: the establish­ment of "A New World Order" for the "Highest Order" of Jew­ish Freemasonry to conduct it's "Self-preservation" at the expense of all the other inhabitants of the world?

"In 1834, the Italian revolutionary leader Guiseppi Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati [Highest Degree of Freemasonry] to be director of their revolutionary program throughout the world.

In 1840, General Albert Pike {preparer of "Morals And Dogma OF The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freema­sonry"} was brought under the influence of Mazzini.... Pike accepted the idea of a One World government and ultimately became the head of the Luciferian Priesthood. Between 1859 and 1871, he worked out the details of a military blueprint for three world wars, and three major revolutions which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stage during the twentieth century. {We are now in 2005].

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differ­ences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Polit­ical Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem World....

    On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own written words (taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, Eng.):

AWe shall unleash the Nihilists [this best describes the 'nature' of the Chinese Government] and Atheists, And we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absol­ute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody tur­moil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend them­selves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multi­tude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction) anx­ious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought fin­ally out in the public view, a manifestation which will re­sult from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.'

When Mazzini died in 1872, Pike made another Italian revolutionary leader, named Adriano Lemmi, his successor. Leituni was later succeeded by [Russians'] Lenin and Trotsky. The revolutionary activities of all these men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bank­ers." (William Guy Carr's Introduction to his book , PAWNS In The Game.)

The following words are those of Albert Pike, Grand Commander: "Two forms of government are favorable to the prevalence of falsehood and deceit. Under Despotism, men are false, treacherous, and deceitful through fear, like slaves dreading the lash. Under a Democracy they are so as a means of attaining popularity and office, and because of the greed for wealth. Experience will probably prove that these odious and detestable vices will grow most rankly and spread most rapidly in a Republic. When office and wealth become the gods of the people, and the most unworthy and unfit most aspire to the former and fraud becomes the highway to the latter, the land will reek with falsehood and sweat lies and chicane. When the offices are open to all, merit and stern integrity and the dignity and unsullied honor will attain them only rarely and by accident. To be able to serve the country well, will cease to be a reason why the great and wise and learned should be selected to render service. Other qualifications less honorable, will be more available. We should naturally suppose that a nation in distress would take counsel with the wisest of its sons. But, on the contrary, great men seem never so scarce as when they are most needed, and the small men never so bold to insist on infesting place, as when mediocrity and incapable pretense and sophomoric greenness, and showy and sprightly incompet­ence are most dangerous....

Fraud, falsehood, trickery, and deceit in national affairs are the signs of decadence in States and precede convulsions or paralysis. To bully the weak and crouch to the strong is the policy of nations governed by small medi­ocrity. The tricks of the canvas for office are re-enacted in Senates. The Executive becomes the dispenser of patronage chiefly to the most unworthy; and men are bribed with of­fices instead of money, to the greater ruin of the Common­wealth. The Divine in human nature disappears, and interest, greed, and selfishness take its place...." (M&D p. 65-68)

At this writing all the signs given as those of decad­ence, "fraud, falsehood, trickery, and deceit" are most evi­dent in our Republic, just as our Masonic Forefathers could have foretold they would be in 200 years.

If you think today's government in the United States is one "of the people, by the people, for the people", you bet­ter find out what people! The men we presume we send to Washington have virtually no power. Decisions are made about what will take place within our government long before they are even elected and their "good intentions" become "survi­val of the fittest" choices within a very brief period after their assuming office.

The following concerning Senator Joseph McCarthy, a man defamed and probably murdered, because he saw the hand writing on the wall and dared to try and call attention to the conspiracy designed to enslave us all, was taken from "DEFENDERS OF THE U.S.A.REPUBLIC." A COMPILATION OF THE WORKS OF Helen M. Peters, about whom the PREFACE states:

"Time has proven that Helen Peters knew the origin and direction of the conspiracy to destroy the American people and America. She discovered... that America is not only being subverted through religion, but is also being used to sub­vert the whole world in the name of Christianity.




'And many of the people of the land became Jews.' Esther 9:17. The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington of Yorktown has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily forever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.

Jonathan Williams recorded in his LEGIONS OF SATAN, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that 'a holy war will now begin in America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown', Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradic­tion: 'Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's relig­ion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All relig­ions will be permeated with Judaism without even being not­iced by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.' And indeed George Washington was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army.

Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic [worship of the male sex organ] religion. Darby and the Plymouth Brethern brought a Jewish Christianity to America. Masons Rutherford and Russel started Jehovah Witnesses' Judaism which is now worldwide with their message of the divine kingdom. Mason Joseph Smith started Mormon Judaism with its Jewish teaching of millenni-alism. At the turn of the twentieth century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a Jewish interpretation of the pro­phecies. With wide use of this 'helpful' aid all the Ameri­can churches have silently become synagogues [of Satan, see Revelation 2:9]. We now have Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God Jews, Apostate Catholic Jews, and many Protes­tant Jews throughout America. We are aliens in our own country because of false religion. All are praying for div­ine deliverance into that 'Divine Government' which Cornwal-lis knew to be the British Empire. A false religion has been used to deceive us into allegiance to our enemies of York-town and Bunker Hill. No! Not a gun was fired but the invis­ible and malignant process of conquering America with the Jew's religion has gone on unabated. The Union Jack has been planted in our hearts with religious deception. All has hap­pened 'legally,' 'constitutionally,' 'freely' and completely within our most sacred trust, our churches.

Religious deception is painless innoculation against truth. It cannot be removed from the conscience with surge­ry, yet it is the motivator of our actions and directly con­trols our lives. Once a man gives over to false religion, he is no longer rational because he originates no thought. His life is controlled by whomever controls his religion. The veil of false religion is the sword of Damacles and its power to control humanity defies even the imagination of tyrants who use it.

This is not to say that George Washington was a traitor willingly, or knowingly. He was beguiled into a Satanic re­ligious order that insidiously controls mens' minds. So have American statesmen and military leaders down through the years given aid and allegiance to the enemies of the United States because they did not have knowledge of the invisible subterfuge that stalks this land. My eyes were opened the day my colleague from Ohio handed me Wagner's Freemasonry An Interpretation. If every American would read it, they would no longer ask why and how it has happened." (p. 178)

Now you should be able to understand why Senator Joseph McCarthy, was hounded to his grave and why he had to be pub­licly discredited. We should all be grateful for his sacri­fices on our behalf. He flew in the face of the "powers that be" to try and warn us of impending doom.

"Mr. W. Smith, who was for many years private secretary to Billy (William Ashley) Sunday, the Evangelist, makes a statement on oath before a Notary Public of Wayne, Michigan. The statement is to the following effect: President Coolidge shortly before his term of offices expired, said publicly that he did not choose to compete again for the presidency of the U.S.A..

Shortly afterwards, Billy Sunday interviewed him. Cool­idge told him that after taking office, he found himself un­able to carry out his election promises or make the slight­est move towards clean government. He was forced and driven by threats, even murder-threats, to carry out the order of the Jews.

Billy Sunday made public this statement of Coolidge. There followed a general attack on the Evangelist. Then his son was framed and committed suicide, whilst the father's death was hastened in sorrow for the loss." (end quote from ADAM & CAIN, by Wm. N. Murray, former governor of Oklahoma, 1951).



THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"



IN THE RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF THE Aryan race in Europe the worship of trees played an important part. However that may be, tree-worship is well attested for all the great European families of the Aryan stock, amongst the Celts the oak-worship of the Druids is familiar to every one.... Sacred Groves were common among the ancient Germans, and treewor-ship is hardly extinct amongst their descendants at the present day.... The heathen Slavs worshipped trees and groves. (THE Golden Bough A Study in Magic and Religion, By Sir James George Frazer, I VOL, ABRIDGED EDITION, excerpts p. 126,127)

"When we pass from Southern to Central Europe we still meet with the great god of the oak [Jupiter, see Acts 14:12-13, and 19:35] and the thunder among the barbarous Aryans who dwelt in the vast primeval forests. Thus among the Celts of Gaul the Druids esteem nothing more sacred than the mistletoe and the oak on which it grew.... 'The Celts,' says a Greek writer,' 'worship Zeus [which is just another way of spelling Jesus] and the Celtic image of Zeus is a tall oak." (The Golden Bough p. 185)

283.        "'" '

A statue of Jupiter (Zeus), was placed in the Lobby of the United Naions Building at the time of its origin. "The cornerstone was laid on United Nations Day, Oct, 24, 1949, and work was completed by the middle of 1952." (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol. 23)

"From the foregoing survey it appears that a god of the oak, the thunder, and the rain was worshipped of old by all the main branches of the Aryan stock in Europe, and was indeed the chief deity of their pantheon [temple]. (The Golden Bough 187)

What little we know of the functions of Diana in the African grove seems to prove that she was here conceived as a goddess of fertility...." (ibid. p. 189)

"Ye men of Epfriesus, [Jesus?], what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worship­per of the great goddess Diana, and of the image [Christ the image of God] which fell down from Jupiter?" Acts 19:35b

"Celt...2 : a , Gael, Highland Scott, Irishman, Welshman, Cornishman, or Breton." (Webster's)

"Thus it appears that the sacrificial rites of the Celts of ancient Gaul can be traced in the popular festivals of modern Europe [Halloween and May day}.... Naturally it is in France, or rather in the wider area comprised within the limits of ancient Gaul, that these rites have left the clearest traces in the customs of burning giants of wicker-work and animals enclosed in wicker-work or' baskets....  These customs... are generally observed at or about midsummer.... At the same time we must bear in mind that among the British Celts the chief fire-festivals of the year appear certainly to have been those of Beltane (May Day) and Hallowe'en (the last day of October); and this suggests a doubt whether the Celts and Gaul also may not have celebrated their principal rites of fire, including their burnt sacrifices of men and animals, at the beginning of May or the beginning of Nov­ember rather than at Midsummer." (THE Golden Bough, p. 761)

"Not to be ignored, the following appeared in the PARADE section of the Sunday News Paper, February 22, 1981

Nearly 2000 carefully selected government officials, corporate tycoons and other luminaries - men with power to shape the future - assembled secretly last July in a redwood forest about 65 miles north of San Francisco. They began with a somber ritual that featured the Druidic burning of an effigy on an alter, chants from a Robed chorus and a bac­chanal reminiscent of ancient Greece.... 'Here, among the tall timber, members of the upper crust disport themselves each year like overgrown Boy Scouts. Ronald Reagan... Vice President George Bush... Secretary of Defence Casper Wein-berger... Attorney General William French Smith... Such other worthies as former President Gerald Ford, financier David Rockefeller, columnist William F. Buckley and Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart usually join in the annual high jinks. Even former president Nixon was let his hair down at this wooded retreat.' One could name such notables as Goldwater, Herbert Hoover, Walter Cronkite, William Randolph Hurst and Ray Kroc of McDonalds.  Every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge and all but two California governors since Hiram Johnson, have been Bohemians.

The San Francisco Chronicle (Sat. July 17, 82 ran an article on this group in which it said:

'Each year, the members of the San Francisco Bohemian Club begin their encampment with a little-known 100-year-old ritual the 'Cremation of Care,' In front of the 40 foot concrete owl... dozens of priests, acolytes [one who assist the minister (Webster's)] and fire tenders attempt to burn the effigy of Dull Care.... The ceremony is a tribal rite... the modern-day equivalent of a primitive secret society. They become like a brotherhood....'

The only people to care for housing, cooking, and caretaking at the "Grove" are teenagers. 'There have been homosexual relations between waiters and members of the Bohemian Club' according to the state attorney Robert Barnes. The club's secretary, Maurice De Lano Fuller Jr.,stated that 'a feminine touch of sorts is provided at the grove, by club members who dress as women arid put on burlesque shows.; (Parade Feb. 22, 1981)' 'Members freely concede that men sometimes dress in woman's attire as part of the regular Thursday evening entertainments which are at the heart of Bohemian culture.' (M magazine Feb. 1986)

The cult hires two thousand of the highest class pros­titutes in the country, to satisfy the perverted desires of the members. It is reported that the prostitutes do not wear clothes and are fair game for members at any time.... It has even been reported that a human sacrifice is performed. A barge of logs and brush is floated out on the river and burned with the victim tied to it. A few years ago a report­er was caught on the site and killed." (Most if not all of the above quotes can be attributed to Kingdom Chronicles, James W. Bruggeman, Editor.)

"These are the people who God, in the Bible, identifies as the synagogue of Satan. Each and every time the word synagogue is mentioned in the Bible it is referring to the "synagogue of Satan". This is made quite clear in "The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ", last Book of the Bible. Chapter 2 verse 9 of the "Revelation" states: "... I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." while Chapter 3 verse 9 says: "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. See Romans 2:28,29; Where we are told: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart and in the Spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart! (Deuteronomy 10:16)

"The original seat of the Aryan peoples was, it is conjectured, somewhere in Asia. At a period that cannot be placed later than 3000 B.C." Says (A GENERAL HISTORY FOR COLLEGES AND HIGH SCHOOLS, BY P.V.N. MEYERS, GINN & COMPANY PUBLISHER, 1899 P. 4.)

The Aryans originally came down from Tibet, the strong­hold of Buddhism high in the Himalayan Mountains, to prove to the world that their god, HU (man or self) is the all powerful god. Perhaps you have noticed in recent months, without understanding why, the god HU is being promoted on your T.V. screen featuring the British god HU (man or hu­man) . This is a subtle method of introducing you to this heathen god without you being aware of it. These have no knowledge of the true God because theirs is "Natural" or human religion. "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God... neither can he know them, be­cause they are spiritually discerned. (I Corinthians 2:14) The philosophy that is Natural Religion, teaches that: "The human soul is itself a God within the mine, capable through its own power... of making itself immortal by the practice of the good and the contemplation of the beautiful and true. (MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY p. 393)

It is enough for us to know, what Masonry teaches, that we are not all mortal; that the... intellectual and reasoning portion of ourselves, is our very Self... That it is also cap­able of improvement and advancement [to self-perfection and immortality], of increase of knowledge of things that are divine, of becoming wiser and better, and more worthy of im­mortality; and that to become so, and to help to improve and benefit others and all our race, is the noblest ambition and highest glory that we can entertain and attain unto...." (ibid, p. 852) This is the Philosophy that is Buddhism.

This Aryan people originally came down from Tibet, to prove their god, Hu [man or self] was the all powerful god. Perhaps you have noticed recent advertisements or promotions on your T.V. screen featuring the British god Hu [man or Self]. Morals And Dogma Of Freemasonry, p. 502, puts it thus: "The British God HU was called 'The Dragon - Ruler of the World." (p. 502) Chapter 13 of Revelation, makes it clear to those whom God, has shown the light of the gospel this great Red Dragon" is the "Sephiroth Theology" of Judaism and Freemasonry. This philosophy or' religion teaches that: "The human soul is itself a God within the mind, cap­able through its own power... of making itself immortal by the practice of the good and the contemplation of the beautiful and true [this philosophy or Great Red Dragon is Buddhism and it plays a part in every religion]." (M&D p. 393)

Returning to the "Migration of the Aryans, we learn: "The Aryan household began to break up and scatter, and the different clans to set out in search of new dwelling-places. Some tribes [which in total are claimed to be the twelve tribes of Israel] of the family spread themselves over the table-lands of Iran [these are of the Islamic or Moslem religion: "which like Christianity is considered an outgrowth of Judaism" (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol. 13)] and the plains of India [where Hinduism is practiced]." "The main source of information about ancient Indian relig­ion... is the religious literature of a people known as the Aryans.' (F&ff vol. 12)"

"The Mysteries among the Chinese and Japaness came from India, and were founded on the same principles and with similar rites. The word given to the new Initiate was ... Fo, the Indian Buddha, to show that he was the Great Deity Himself." (M&D p. 429 emph. Add.)

 "Buddha... to awake] . Literally, the Enlightened One"

(The Winston Simplified Dictionary). The Aryan's deem any' SELF Perfected one as an "Enlightened One" or Buddha.

"ENLIGHTENMENT, AGE OF, designated for a period of great intellectual awareness.... The term is specifically applied to a movement that flourished during the 18tn century [with the advent of Freemasonry in 17117 in London, England, and the publication of an encyclopedia [between 1751, and 1772, especially for the Masons and particularly for the purpose of influencing opinion].... In America the movement was represented by the political concepts of the American Revolution and the precepts of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine...." (Funk & Wagnalls)

George Washington, was a Mason, as were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Warren Harding, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Solomon Truman, etc. My list does not extend beyond Truman; however, Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush, are members of the occult "Skull And Bones Society"; a secret organization of Yale University. Let me refer you to: "America's Secret Establishment, An Introduction To THE ORDER OF SKULL & BONES", By Anthony C. Button, Liberty House Press, 2027 Iris, Billings, Montana 59102, 1986.

Texe Marrs, author, poses this question concerning George W. Bush: "If he's re-elected, will the hierarchy of Skull & Bones direct him to pull the plug on the U.S. economy and send America plunging headlong into a financial crash"? (Special Publication of 'FLASHPOINT' A MARRS PUB­LICATION. LIVING TRUTH MINISTRIES 8104 Caisson Circle)

Basically our so-called public servants are members of such "New World Order" organizations as the Illuminati (Enlightened Ones), Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberger group, and numerous Foundations, etc. What the innocent or politically ignorant people don't realize is these feed on opposition. Or, as Morals And Dogma puts it: "we often profit more by our enemies than by our friends. 'We support ourselves only on that which resists.'" p. 814. Therefore, it remains: ONLY GOD can destroy this organized affront to Himself, he created His enemies that he might show His Power: "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? (Romansl3:3afb) Evil shall slay the wicked. (Psalms 34:21)

But to return to the origin of our present day problems!

"Other clans: entering Europe pushed themselves into the peninsulas of Greece and Italy... Still other tribes seem to have poured in successive waves into Central Europe [with the same religious philosophy disguised in various forms, but still the Sephiroth Theology of Judaism and Freemasonry] The vanguard of this people [Aryans or apostate Jews] are known as Celts." (A GENERAL HISTORY, p. 4)

"DRUIDISM, religious faith of ancient Celtic inhabit­ants of Gaul (France) f and the British Isles... druidism survived until it was replaced by Christianity...." (F&W vol. 8)

"The Druidical ceremonies undoubtedly came from India; and the Druids were originally Buddhists [Celtic Druidism, Buddhism, Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, and all other forms of religion, are nothing other that forms of Secular Hu-man-ism, Man or Self worship]. The word Druidh, like the word Magi (Magician), signifies wise and learned men; and they were at once philosophers, magistrates, and divines.

There was a surprising uniformity in the Temples, Priests, doctrines and worship of the Persian (Iranian) Magi [Magicians - who were said to have visited the Christ child with gifts] and British Druids. The Gods of Britain were the same as the Cabiri [minor deities of Greek origin]... Osiris and Isis [Egyptian gods] appear in their mysteries under the names of HU (man) and Ceridwen (woman (.... (Morals & Dogma p. 367) Osiris, Isis and their son Horus signified the trinity.

      "The British god HU (man or hu-man) was called 'The Dragon - Ruler of the World.'" (Morals & Dogma p. 502) God tells us of this particular dragon in .Revelation 12:3 KJV. The mystery of the Book of the Revelation is revealed when you gain knowledge of the occult philosophy or Sephiroth Theology" of the Hebrews and Freemasonry:

"And behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and, seven crowns upon his heads."

The seven heads are the seven lesser of the ten seph-iroth or attributes required to obtain human perfection. You will find them listed on page 727 of "Morals & Dogma". In the occult philosophy they are considered the spirits of FAITH; HOPE; CHARITY; FORCE; PRUDENCE; TEMPERANCE; AND JUSTICE, these least do mean, humanly, what they most do say! The three greater attributes are WILL, WISDOM, and INTELLECT. When these are added to the lesser seven, they create the total of ten attributes, Sephiroth, horns, rays or spirits of human perfection. Possession of these human qualities is supposed to create the Divine Man, Enlightened One, Buddha or god HU". The crown on the seven heads is the First Sepiroth or human "WILL" considered to be the most necessary element to attaining human perfection and god-hood. One of the tenets of religious teaching is that God gave man Freewill. This is the greatest fallacy in religion.



THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"

THE APOCALYPSE (See "Revelation")


"The Kabalah [religious philosophy of the Hebrews] is the primitive tradition [which means it is not based on fact] and its entirety rests on the single dogma of Magism [magic - thesis, antithesis synthesis].... (M&D p. 769)

The Kabalistic book of the Apocalypse is represented as closed with Seven Seals. In it we find the Seven genii of the Ancient Mythologies; and the doctrine concealed under its emblems is the pure Kabala.... (M&D p. 727)

The seven seals have been broken and the secret of these seven seals has been revealed in the Revelation, by the grace of God. These and are the seven evil angels of the seven churches, the seven stars, or seven golden candle­sticks [Menorah of Jewish worship] of Revelation 1:20. They are the human attributes of: FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY, FORCE, PRUDENCE, TEMPERANCE, and JUSTICE, and are not found in the Bible, but on page 727 of Morals & Dogma - of Freemasonry.

These are considered attributes leading to salvation by the humanists and blasphemous by God. These are, Biblically Speaking, "works" of the flesh, whereby man hopes to gain salvation and attain to a "heaven of human conceptions." (M&D p. 736)


Cabalistic Judaism and Freemasonry are inseparable. All Symbolism of Freemasonry is of an occult nature and owes its origin to Jewish Kabalahism: "All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah [religious philosophy of the Hebrews] and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati.... all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols." (M&D p. 744)

Dualism is the religion of God's enemies and at the Same time their tactic for domination of mankind.

"Dualism: 3 a : a doctrine that the universe is under the domination of two opposing principles one of which is good and the other evil." (Webster's)

The above, "good verses evil" doctrine is actually the old occult "Moralist Philosophy" of Gnosticism. A philosophy that teaches "good will overcome evil" which, of course, it cannot. But that is what all religion is, the occult "Moral­ist Philosophy". It is the practice of "good words, good Deeds, and good thoughts:" the philosophy found in Buddhism; which to the deluded, appears to be the means of obtaining God's approval and blessings but it works to the contrary. It is what Gnosticism teaches, but the true Gnostic assumes himself to be god; but has carefully disguised this behind religious piety, philanthropy, and apparent morality.


THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason"                        

Chapter 28                                                

 THE ELITE OF GOD'S ENEMIES               

"Great White Brotherhood: (See Adepts.)).... 'Adepts are men who... after stern self-denial and by means of Consis­tent self... development, have fitted themselves to assist in the ruling of the world... the purpose for which he was creat­ed and transcends his fellows. They are also known as the Great White Brotherhood....'" (AN ENCYCIOPAEDIA OF OCCULTISM, By LEWIS SPENCE, emphasis added)

"GREAT WHITE LODGE: The Hierarchy of Adepts or Elder Brothers [among the Aryans] which, according to occultist teachings, is the true, inner government of the world". (DICTIONARY OF ALL SCRIPTURES AND MYTHS, Ed. By Frank Gaynor, p. 73)

"Great White Brotherhood: In general occult termin­ology [is], a synonym for Great White Lodge. In the Term­inology of the [Freemasonic Order of] Rosicrucians, the Great White Brotherhood is 'the school or Fraternity of the Great White Lodge and into this invisible Brotherhood of visible members every true student of the [Buddhic] Path prepares for admission." (Rosicrucian Manuel)

"PATH OF THE BIRDS ON HIGH:-- A symbol of the way of the Self upward in the mind.... The growth to perfection [Self attained]. (Dictionary Of All Scriptures And Myths. By G.A. Gaskell emphasis added)

The foregoing speaks to the religion of the Jewish Kabbalah or Cabala, which is the occult Sephiroth Theo­logy of "human perfection" obtained through Self effort alone; discounting any assistance that would, of neces­sity, have to be granted by God.

The lesser seven of the ten Sephiroth or human at-Tributes they strive for, many of which are a part of all religions, are "self acquired attributes for human perfec­tion". You will find them listed, not in the Bible, but, on page 727 of "MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY". They are, in the occult vernacular, allegorically represented or symbolized by seven planets: "FAITH... by the Sun;... HOPE... by the Moon;... CHARITY... by Venus;... FORCE... by MARS;... PRUDENCE... by MERCURY;... TEMPERANCE... by SATURN; and JUSTICE... by JUPITER.

Where Man uses allegories, such as the planets, to hide his true satanic nature and deceive mankind, God, uses proverbs to hide the truth from those of a doubtful mind. See Proverbs l:6b, where a proverb is defined as "the words of the wise and their dark sayings". Innumerable scripture have two parts: the words of the wise and their dark sayings, therefore we are admonished in II Timothy 2:15 to: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed [works not of the flesh but of the Spirit, rightly dividing the word of truth". "To understand a proverb, and the interpretation:" Proverbs 1:6a.

The three superior attributes, WILL, WISDOM, and INTE1-LECT, bring the total humanist Sephiroth to ten. The three superior attributes are considered a necessity to attaining the seven inferior ones.

"The British God Hu (Man) [from which we derive the word Hu-man (human)] was called 'The Dragon - Ruler of the World'" (Morals And Dogma,  p. 502)

"THE REVELATION", or Apocalypse (last book of the Bible) tells us of this same dragon: : "... and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads; Revelation 12:3b. [The seven heads are the first seven of the ten Sephiroth, Emmunations, Rays, or Human Attriubates and the crowns denote they attained self-perfection through human willpower.

"The Sephiroth, or Emminations ten in number, three in one class [superior] and seven in the other [inferior] (M&D p. 233)

These ten form "the great red dragon" which is, in reality, the Sephiroth Theology of the so-called Jews. (for which see Rev. 2:9 and 3:9)

"The Head, Kether ... is the will of the Deity, or the Deity as [Man, Self or Hu-man] Will. (M&D p. 758) Self WILL of man is called, in occult terms, Kether or the "Crown" and Deity.

Enter the occult philosophy of Judaism and Free-Masonry:

"King Solomon's Temple, is also called the Lodge;...." (M&D p. 7) [Every Masonic Lodge is called King Solomons Temple! They choose to believe themselves to be as wise as the proverbial King Solomon.]

How completely the Temple of Solomon is symbolic, is manifest... more, from the details of the imaginary recon­structed edifice [the Lodge].... The Apocalyps [Book of "THE REVELATION" of Jesus Christ; as the Bible states: Revelation 1:1] completes the demonstration, and shows the Kabalistic meaning of the whole. M&D p. 235)

A power that ruled without antagonisims and without concurrence, and consequently without control, proved fatal to the Royalties [Kingdoms] ; while the Republic... had perished by the conflict of liberties and franchises " [2 a: ^the right to be and exercise the powers of a corporation: Webster's] , which... had soon become mere tyrannies, rivals one of the other. To find a stable medium between these two abysses [a power that ruled without antagonisms and one with franchises] the idea of the Christian Hierophants [Priests, Counsellors, of State, and Judges from whose decision there was no appeal ibid. p. 367] was to create a society devoted to abnega­tion [SELF denial to the point of submission of will and soul by solemn vows protected by severe regulations; which should be recruited by Initiation ["c : the rights, ceremonies, ordeals, or Instructions with which one is made a member of a sect (Religion) or Society...x Webster's] and which, sole depository of the great religious and social secrets, should make Kings and Pontiffs.... In that was the secret of that [earthly] kingdom of Jesus Christ, which, without being of this world, would govern all its grandeurs." (M&D p. 815)

And this gospel of the kingdom [reign of Christ on earth for a thousand years (Rev. 20:4)] shall be preached in all the world... and then shall the end [of God's enemies, and their ways] come. (Matthew 24:14)

"This idea [of the Heirophants] presided at the foun­dation of the great religious orders... Its realization was also the dream of the dissident sects of Gnostics or Illuminati [Buddhists] who pretended to connect their faith with the primitive tradition of the Christianity of Saint John. (M&D p. 815)

There existed at that period in the East [Eastern Religions] a Sect of Johannite Christians, who claimed to be the only true Initiates into the real mysteries of the religion of the Saviour. They pretended to know the real history of YESUS [JESUS], the ANOINTED [Christ, or Hebrew Messiah], and adopting in part the Jewish traditions and the Tales of the Talmud [true Hebrew Holy Book, created by the Rabbis] they held that the facts recounted in the Evangels [Books of the New Testament] are but allegories...." (M&D p. 816)

"Allegories breed errors by being literally accepted. (DIGEST OF "MORALS AND DOGMA" p. 6) '

"Evangelic symbols depict the Magi [Iranian Magicians] guided by a Star and bearing gifts."  (DIGEST OF "M&D" p. 54)

'The Johannites ascribed to Saint John the foundation of their Secret [universal or catholic] Church, and the Grand Pontiffs of the Sect assumed the title of Christos, Anointed (Messiah) f or Consecrated, and claimed to have succeeded one another from Saint John by an uninterrupted succession of pontifical powers.... (M&D p. 817 For Saint John himself was the Father of the Gnostics [those of the Seph-iroth Theology]....

ATo acquire influence and wealth, then to intrigue, and at need to fight, to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabalistic dogma, were the object and means proposed to the Initiated [Masonic] Brethern... We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe [neutralize or neuter good and evil, leaving them without any meaning], and be rulers over the Masters of the World. (M&D p. 817

It is GENIUS that gets power; and its prime lieutenants are FORCE and WISDOM. The unruliest of men bend before the leader that has the sense to see and the will to do. It is Genius that rules with God-like power... (M&D p. 30) FORCE, unregulated or ill-regulated, is not only wasted in the void ...but, striking in the dark, and its blows meeting only the air, they recoil and bruise itself.

The blind Force of the people is a Force that must be economized, and also managed... It must be regulated by Intel­lect. Intellect is to the people and the peoples Force, what the slender needle of the compass is to the ship - its soul.... Force must have a brain and a law." (M&D p. 1)

It is "man" who must have laws to control people. God has but a single law and you will find that in Deuteronomy, Verses 18-25 KJV. If you obey God, you won't need any laws!

    "When all these Forces are combined, and guided by the Intellect and regulated by the RULE [of law]... The great [anti God] revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to march.

This populace has two mothers, both of them step­mothers - Ignorance and Misery. Want is their only guide -for the appetite [for food, shelter and sex] alone they crave satisfaction. Yet these may be employed. (M&D p. 2

Yet it is this very Force of the people, this Titanic power of the giants, that builds the fortification of tyrants, and is embodied in their armies.

It is the force of the people that sustains all these despotisms.... That force acts through armies; and these oftener enslave than liberate... Passive obedience by force supports thrones and oligarchies... And so Humanity wages war against Humanity, in despite of Humanity. So a people willingly submits to despotism, and it workmen submit to be despised, and its soldiers to be whipped; therefore it is that battles lost by a nation are often progress attained.

Tyrants use the force of the people to chain and subjugate - that is, enyoke the people. Then they plough with them as men do with oxen yoked. (M&D p. 3)

The mastery of mind over mind is the only conquest worth having... Influence of man over man is a law of nature (Morals And Dogma p. 31 excerpt)

Gnosticism is Natural Religion and Man or Self is Natures God. The men who created this nation were most, if not all, Masons or Illuminati (Buddhist), and Gnostics: Their declaration of independence form God's power makes That quite clear. It starts with]:

"When in the Course of human events it becomes neces­sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God [Natural Man] entitle them...." [See your Encyclopedia for "DECLARATION OF INDEPEND­ENCE"] .

In I Corinthians 2:14 We are told: "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know themr because they are spiritually discerned." Natural MAN is angered at God's rejection of him and tries to compete with God, for power.

M&D says: "All the nations, that have tried to govern themselves by their smallest, by the incapables, or merely respectable, (Representatives) have come to nought. Consti­tutions and Laws, without [Hu-man] Genus and Intellect to govern, will not prevent decay. In that case they have the dry-rot and the life dies out of them by degrees." (p. 31)

 "Because, even because they have seduced my people,saying, Peace; and there was no peace... Ezekiel 13:10 If my people (see Psa. 73:1 for Israel, "even such as are of a

clean heart.") which are called by ny name, shall humble                  I

•—————————                                                                         i

themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their !
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive               i
their sin, and will heal their land." (II Chronicles 7:14)

"The original seat of the Aryan peoples was, it is conjectured, somewhere in Asia. At a period that cannot be placed later than 3000 B.C.": or so says (A GENERAL HISTORY FOR COLLEGES AND HIGH SCHOOLS, BY P.V.N. Meyers , GINN & CO. PUBLISHERS, 1899 p. 4)

The Aryans originally came down from Tibet, the strong-hold of' Buddhism, high in the Himalayan nupuntains, to prove to the world that their god, HU (man or self) is the all powerful god. Perhaps you might have noticed in recent months, without understanding why, the god HU is being promoted on your T.V. screen. The exhibit the British god HU, without any explanation. This is a subtle method of introducing you to this heathen god without you being con­scious of the fact HU is the object of worship of Humanism. "The Aryan household began to break up and scatter, and the different clans to set out in search of new dwelling- ( places. Some tribes [position themselves as the "ten Lost tribes of Israel"] of the family spread themselves over the table-lands of Iran [with its Islamic or Moslem religion: "Which like Christianity is considered an out­growth of Judaism" (Funk & Wagnalls New Enc. Vol 12)

"The Mysteries among the Chinese and Japanese came form India [with it's Hinduism or Buddhism], and were founded on the same principles and with similar rites. The word given to the new Initiate was... Fo, the Indian Buddha, to show that he was the'Great Deity Himself." (Morals & Dogma p. 429)

"Buddha... to awake] . Literally, the Enlightened One" (The Winston Simplified Dictionary). The Aryan's deem any SELF perfected one as an "Enlightened One" or Buddha.

"Other clans: entering Europe pushed themselves into the peninsulas of Greece and Italy... Still other tribes seem to have poured in successive waves into Central Europe [with the same religious philosophy disguised in various forms, but still derived from the Sephiroth Theology of JudaiSsm and Freemasonry] The vanguard of this people [Aryans or apostate Jews] are known as 'Celts.'" (AGeneralHistory,p.4)                                                             I

"DRUIDISM, religious faith of ancient Celtic inhabi­tants of Gaul (France) , and the British Isles... druidism survived until it was replaced by Christianity...." (F&W vol. 8)

"The Druidical ceremonies undoubtedly came from India; and the Druids were originally Buddhists [Celtic Druidism, Buddhism, Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, Gnosticism and any and every form of religion is nothing short of some form of Secular Humanism, Man or SELF worship. God, was aware of This from the beginning, but you are probably just being Made aware of the facts]. The word Druidh, like the word Magi [Magician], signifies wise and learned men; and they were at once philosophers, magistrates, and divines.

There was a surprising uniformity in the Temples, Priests, doctrines and worship of the Persian [Iranian] Magi [Magicians - you know, the Wise Men Of The East? Who we have been informed came bearing gifts to the Christ Child] and British Druids. The Gods of Britain were the same as the Cabiri [minor deities of Greek origin]... Osiris and Isis {Egyptian gods] appear in their mysteries under the name of HU [man] and Ceridwen [woman],... (M&D p. 367) Osiris, Isis, and their Son Horus symbolize the Trinity to them.



THE MOLTEN IMAGE "Science Of Reason" I



GOD IS SPIRIT All Scriptures are from the King James Bible In religion, "Ye worship ye know not what" according to


John 4:22a. But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshipper shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. John 4:23.

Just in case you don't quite grasp the importance of God's Spirit in your life you might want to look at it this way:

Man is both flesh and spirit: the instant the spirit leaves the body the flesh starts to disintegrate. The body cannot go on alone without the spirit. Even the Scriptures say the body without the spirit is dead. James 2:26 There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; (Ecclesiastes 8:8) God limited your spirit by putting it in a fleshly body and the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and Spirit against the flesh. Gal. 5:17. The Spirit that is God, is not limited by any thing or any one. God holds sway over all spirits, including the "Spirit of Truth" or Holy Ghost. That is why God's enemies hate him with insatiable hatred. His is the one power they cannot touch or resist.

The Scriptures also say: For what man knoweth the i things of a man save the spirit of man whicn is in him? Even

so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. I Corinthians 2:11. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Romans 8:9a It is the spirit that quickened: the flesh profited nothing. John 6:63a,b The eternal God is my refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them. Deuteronomy 33:27

Only through God, does man's spirit reach beyond its fleshly limit to touch the infinite. Man has no control over his own or God's Spirit. The Scriptures say that when a man dies:  Then shall the dust (flesh Psalms 78:27) return to the earth as it was: and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it. JScclesiastes 12:7 This final disposition of both the body and spirit does not resonate with religious doctrine but this is God's truth as to'the future of the body and spirit. No preacher ever told you that truth!

God says:  See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. Deuteronomy 32:39,41b

He that cometh from above is above all; he that is of I the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: John 3:31

For to be carnally [earthly or worldly] minded is death; but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:4 There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked. Isaiah 48:22

For to be carnally [earthly or fleshly] minded is death.

[of the spirit]. Roman 8:6a Because the carnal mind is en­mity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither in deed can it be. Romans 8:7

We who are Jews by nature... Gallatians 3:15a) receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God... neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. J Corinthians 2:14a,c. But Israel, which followed after the law of right­eousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. Romans 9:32 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law... Galatians 2:14b,


16a. For as many as are of the works of the law are under

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the curse Galatians 3:10a. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, the just shall live by faith... that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Romans 3:11 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh. Genesis 6:3

Behold I set before you this day a blessing and a / curse; a blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD

your God, which I command you this day: Deuteronomy. 11:26, 21 ... to do them, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him; Then will the LORD drive out all these nations [of men, Acts 17:26] from before you,


and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than your­selves. Deuteronomy Chapter ll:22b,23.

Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not in­iquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. Psalms 32:2 For many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. II John 1:7

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall cdme, and even now there are many antichrists; Whereby we we know that it is the last time. I John 2:18 BELOVED, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.... Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is is that spirit of antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. John 4:1-3,6